(a)   In no instance shall an area zoned RDP be less than 10 acres.
   (b)   A request to rezone land to an RDP district shall be accompanied by a plan for development of the park, meeting the procedural requirements of Chapter 1174 and accompanied by the following:
      (1)   A conceptual master plan for the park showing, at a minimum, the following:
         A.   Size of the tract to be rezoned and developed as a research and development park.
         B.   Existing topographic features of the land, including drainage ways, wooded areas and contours.
         C.   General location of uses, with a minimum of 60 percent of the park area designated for office and/or research uses.
         D.   General location of any public uses, if any.
         E.   Traffic circulation patterns within the park.
         F.   Methods of buffering the research park from adjacent uses.
         G.   General treatment of signage for entrance ways to the park.
         H.   An illustration of entrances to the park.
         I.   Anticipated accommodation for stormwater management.
         J.   Means of waste disposal.
      (2)   Development standards for the particular park addressing such things as the use of building materials, fencing, lighting, landscaping, outside storage, setbacks and lot coverage to ensure compatibility of design within the research park and to minimize the adverse effects of the development of one lot on another. The development standards may fulfill, in part, features of the conceptual master plan and shall become part of the restrictive covenants of the park.
   (c) The conceptual master plan is intended to be a guide for the development of a research development park. Building permits requested for construction within the park shall be evaluated by the Community Development Director or his designee for compliance with the guidelines of the master plan and the requirements of the development standards. Permit applications which do not meet the guidelines of the plan and the requirements of the standards shall be denied. Amendment of the plan and/or standards shall require amendment of the ordinance zoning the park, pursuant to Chapter 1174.