A lot or building may be occupied by the following provisional uses:
(a) Funeral home subject to the requirements of Chapter 1135.
(b) Veterinary clinic and animal hospital, provided they shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 1135.
(c) Manufacturing use engaged in light manufacturing, including compounding, assembly and/or processing of articles, provided:
(1) The floor area of the principal use shall not exceed 5,000 square feet,
(2) The lot on which the use is located shall not be contiguous to a lot with a use owned or operated by the same person,
(3) A person intending to establish such use can demonstrate compliance with the performance standards of Chapter 1161 through certification by a registered professional engineer or other qualified person, and
(4) The following uses shall be prohibited:
A. Chemicals and allied products, manufacture of.
B. Disposal, reduction or dumping of dead animals or offal.
C. Explosives, manufacture of.
D. Grain processing.
E. Leather tanning.
F. Meat packing.
G. Radioactive waste storage or disposal.
H. Rubber and plastics, manufacture of.
I. Sawmills.
(d) Retail establishment, other than listed, when associated with the uses allowed in this district and provided that not more than 40 percent of the total ground floor area shall be devoted to the retail display of merchandise.