As used in this chapter, the following words, phrases and terms shall be defined as set forth as follows:
   (a)   "Affirmative action program" means a written program wherein the contractor takes affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, natural origin, disability (provided the person is a qualified person with a disability), sex, or sexual orientation. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; lay-off or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; selection for training, including apprenticeship. Each affirmative action program submitted shall include goals and timetables for the implementation of such program and the goals to which the contractor's good faith efforts must be directed.
      (Ord. 94-107. Passed 4-5-94; Ord. 18-24. Passed 1-30-18.)
   (b)   "City" means the City of Springfield, Ohio.
   (c)   "Contractor" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association or any other entity, or any combination of the foregoing employing four or more persons who/which enters into a contract, as defined herein, with the City of Springfield, Ohio.
   (d)   "Subcontractor" means any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity, or any combination of the foregoing employing four or more persons who/which contracts with a contractor to do a portion of the contract executed between the contractor and the City.
   (e)   "Contract" means any contract awarded by the City whereby the City is committed to expend or does expend its funds in return for work, labor, services, supplies, equipment, materials or any combination of the foregoing.
      There shall be exempted from the terms of this chapter the following contracts:
      (1)   Contracts for service of a specialized, professional or technical character.
      (2)   Emergency requisitions for goods, supplies or services.
      (3)   Impressed accounts in the nature of petty cash funds.
      (4)   Contracts the cost of which will not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
   (f)   "Construction contract" means any contract entered into between the City and a contractor for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion, extension or repair of buildings, highways or other improvements to real property where the contracted for amount is ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more.
   (g)   "Executive Order 11246" refers to Executive Order 11246, and any amendments thereto, as adopted and promulgated by the President of the United States and includes all rules, regulations and directives adopted pursuant thereto.
      (Ord. 89-206. Passed 4-11-89.)
   (h)   "Disability" means, with respect to an individual:
      (1)   A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual;
      (2)   A record of such impairment; or
      (3)   Being regarded as having such an impairment.
   (i)   "Qualified individual with a disability" is a person with a disability who can perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodations. The terms "essential functions" and "reasonable accommodations" shall have the meanings utilized in applying the federal Americans With Disability Act.
      (Ord. 94-107. Passed 4-5-94.)