A factory-built housing development shall be subject to the following special provisions:
   (a)   In no instance shall an area zoned RFBH be less than 10 acres nor consist of less than 25 sites for factory-built homes.
   (b)   A setback of 40 ft. shall be provided for all factory built dwellings from an RFBH district boundary.
   (c)   Parks for factory-built homes shall comply with the requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code, Chapter 3701-3727.
   (d   Parks and subdivisions for factory-built homes shall be screened from abutting RS districts according to Subsection 1161.02(i), Screening. It shall be the responsibility of the lot owners in a subdivision to maintain the screen along the boundary of the district coincident to the lot lines.
   (e)   Parks for factory-built homes shall be subject to the Special; Provisions of Subsection 1108.07(b).