These plants are prohibited as new plantings and as replacements on all City-controlled property:
(a) Trees overly susceptible to disease or insect problems:
Boxelder (female) - susceptible to boxelder bugs
Paper birch yellow birch - susceptible to leaf miners
European birch - short lived due to bronze birch borer
American chestnut - susceptible to chestnut blight
Cotoneaster - fire light can destroy them
Hawthorns - susceptible to hawthorn rust and fire light
Eastern red cedar - susceptible to cedar apple rust
Blue spruce - die after 25 years due to cytospora canker
Eastern white pine - susceptible to blister rust
Northern pin oak - oak will disease
American Elm - severely affected by Dutch elm disease
Russian olive - invasive
Lombardy poplar - invasive negligible wildlife benefits
Black locust - affected by locust borer
Silver maple - surface roots, weak branches
(b) Trees with negligible aesthetic value or with tendency to be "Dirty":
Horse chestnut
Tree of heaven
All catalpas
All willows
All ginkos
All poplars
Moline elm
(c) Shrubs and other plants:
Barberry - alternate host for black stem rust of wheat Tartarian
Honeysuckle - vulnerable to aphids; witches' broom
Mulberry - invasive
Multiflora rose - invasive
Trumpet vine - invasive
Kudzu - VERY invasive
Leafy spurge - noxious; invasive
Purple loosestrife - invasive; illegal in some states
Canarygrass - mate easily - invasive
(Ord. 95-61. Passed 11-2-95.)