(a) A Tree Authority for the City of Springboro, Ohio is hereby established. Said Tree Authority shall be composed of five residents of the City appointed by the City Council, one of which shall be a Council member.
(b) The Tree Authority shall regularly meet once monthly, unless the chairperson determines that no business is available to be conducted. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority of a quorum shall be sufficient to decide any matter before the Tree Authority.
(c) Prior to January 31 of each year, the Tree Authority shall meet and elect a member to serve as Chairperson of the Tree Authority. The Chairperson shall have the authority to call and conduct, or cancel, meetings of the Tree Authority, and to receive correspondence and other materials on behalf of the Tree Authority.
(d) It is recommended that at least one of the non-Council members be experienced in landscaping, or have extensive knowledge of shade trees. However, such member shall not be engaged or employed in a business which sells or plants trees in the Springboro community.
(e) The terms of the four resident members shall be for three years, except that to achieve overlapping of terms, those first appointed shall serve as follows: one for one year, one for two years, and two for three years. The term of the Council member shall be one year. When a vacancy occurs during the term of any member, the successor shall be appointed for the unexpired term.
(f) The members of the Tree Authority shall serve without compensation.
(g) The Tree Authority shall have the following authority:
(1) To study, investigate, plan, devise, and recommend to Council any action, program, plan or legislation which the Tree Authority shall determine to be necessary or advisable for the care, preservation, trimming, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees or shrubs in public ways, streets, alleys, parks, or other property owned by the City of Springboro.
(2) To regulate the planting, maintenance and removal of trees and shrubs on City property and rights-of-way, to ensure safety and promote aesthetics.
(3) To appoint its own officers and committees, to make its own procedural rules, and to keep an appropriate record of its proceedings.
(4) To recommend to City Council the designation of any tree as a Monarch Tree. To approve the removal of any tree that has been identified as a threat to public health or safety.
(5) To interpret the language of this chapter and determine its applicability to particular situations.
(6) To consider, investigate, make findings, and recommend upon any special matter or question coming within the scope of its authority, upon request by the Mayor, Council or City Manager.
(7) To perform other responsibilities as may be from time to time prescribed by Council action.
(Ord. 95-61. Passed 11-2-95; Ord. 00-23. Passed 4-6-00.)