(a)   General. In addition to the provisions of Chapter 1280, the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   Plant Material Selection. Plant materials shall be chosen which are indigenous, moderately fast growing and require moderate maintenance and trimming. All planted surfaces, whether in ground or in raised landscape beds shall be fully irrigated and maintained in good functioning order. The landscape design shall incorporate the total development site, and in context with adjacent users, and consist of a palette of plants with year-round appeal which might include annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees.
      (2)   Surface Parking Area Landscaping.
         A.   General. Parking areas and driveways shall be landscaped with low-profile bushes, groundcover, shrubs, trees or tree groupings to a minimum height of eighteen inches above finished parking surface where there are no trees. Taller bushes, shrubs and low-profile decorative trees are permitted in areas where screening of outboard utility or service areas is required. No less than two, four inch dbh trees should be added to all parking islands, and two inch dbh along any buffer zone not along a street right-of-way.
         B.   Requirements. Surface Parking Area landscape area requirements. A minimum of eight percent of any one total interior surface parking area, enclosed or up to any dividing street, landscape zone, 'canoe', building, setback or open space, shall be landscaped with planted islands or a landscape island bed for every linear run of no more than twelve parking spaces. Provided, however, this shall not apply, if the entire run is no more than fourteen spaces or if an irregularly shaped island creates a naturally larger landscape bed area where the edges may be more low plantings, and the interior may be more lawn in season. A minimum of two two-inch dbh trees and ten low bushes or shrubs shall be planted on all interior islands within any row of surface parking area. Permeable paver blocks are also encouraged as a substitute for impervious cover, especially in areas that are likely to be lightly used for parking and/or landscape zones where a more solid surface is occasionally required, but most of the time it will be a passive space. Similar types of creative alternatives are encouraged, and are subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission.
      (3)   Exemptions. Parking area landscape requirements shall be negated if the surface parking area is not, nor will ever conceivably be, visible from a public right-of-way.
      (4)   Planting Island Requirements. Planted islands shall be no less than 175 square feet in size with a pervious surface area adequate for proper root aeration and expansion. Creative alternatives are subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission.
      (5)   Screening Materials. Where landscaping is used as screening device it shall be of an opaque foliage year-round. Landscape screening shall be of a height and density so as to provide the full desired effect within three growing seasons.
      (6)   Street Trees. All streets shall be planted with regularly spaced shade trees. Trees shall be selected in consultation with the Planning Commission.
      (7)   Street Furniture. Street furniture/furnishings are key features of public spaces that can greatly facilitate in creating vibrant pedestrian use of all streetscapes, open spaces and connecting outdoor areas. These features include such basic items as benches, trash receptacles, bollards, drinking fountains, wayfinding/environmental graphics and street signs. Other elements include, moveable tables, chairs and lounges, picnic benches, market umbrellas, outdoor fireplaces, water features, children's play areas, sculpture and other public art. Street furniture shall be chosen and placed in consultation with developer(s) and the Planning Commission, and shall be located so as to maintain a clear pedestrian path. Street furniture shall be made of materials consistent with extended public use. These materials include painted or powder-coated metal with a matte finish. Wood; either painted with a matte color or natural finish, outdoor grade fabrics and canvas, and in certain instances; high-impact, composite or resin-based materials that mimic natural finishes that are weather resistant. All street furniture and public features shall be maintained in good working order and appearance by their respective owner(s), and replaced as necessary. Street furniture shall be consistent and/or similar in quality of fabrication, color and style along both sides of any public street or right-of-way. All street furniture elements, either new or replacements that vary in color, material, number, placement or size from prior an approved plan(s) are subject to Planning Commission review and approval.
      (8)   Registered Professional Required. A registered landscape architect shall work with the developer and City of Springboro on all landscape design, all landscape plans and/or alterations.
      (9)   Maintenance. Any approved and implemented landscape plan shall include an ongoing maintenance schedule, including a beginning of growing season/ spring replacement of any and all damaged or destroyed plantings, trees, landscape surfaces, and repair of any irrigation apparatus from the prior year/winter. Severe damage from a weather event or infestation may, at the City of Springboro's request, require the re-engaging of a registered landscape architect for proper restoration or replacement of plant materials.
(Ord. O-20-2. Passed 1-2-20.)