All uses and structures, with the exception of the following exempt uses and structures, shall be subject to site plan review by the Planning Commission. The following uses are subject to City staff review and, if applicable, review of the Architectural Review Board.
(a) Certain Residential Uses. The lawful construction, alteration and occupancy of a single or two-family dwelling and buildings accessory thereto, with the exception of solar energy systems, as established in Chapter 1276 of the Planning and Zoning Code, on a lot on which there exists no other principal building or use, and any lawful use, alteration or construction are exempt from this chapter.
(b) Limited Additions, Limited Alterations. The following additions and alterations are exempt from Planning Commission review:
(1) Additions to an existing structure that increase the floor area of a building by 10 percent or 1,000 square feet, whichever is greater, provided that sufficient parking is provided and all changes comply with the requirements of this Zoning Code. If the floor area of a building is proposed to increase by more than 1,000 square feet, all elements of the site (e.g., buildings, parking, landscaping, lighting, signage, etc.) shall comply with the requirements of this Zoning Code.
(2) Alterations that increase the structure height less than 10 percent.
(3) Where permitted, limited additional and limited alterations to a PUD that conform to these provisions may also be exempt.
(c) Repairs and Maintenance. The ordinary repair or maintenance of a building, structure, landscaping, screening or other site improvement shall not require the preparation or approval of a site plan.
(d) City Buildings. Any public buildings owned and used by the City of Springboro for city services shall not require the approval of a site plan.
(e) Uses in the Historic District and Central Business District. Any uses in the Historic District and CBD District shall not require Planning Commission review of a site plan under this Chapter, provided that these uses obtain the necessary approval of the Architectural Review Board.
(f) Changes in Uses. Change in use to a similar or less intense use, provided that significant changes in the existing site design, facilities, structures or amenities are not required. (Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)