The traffic impact analysis shall contain the following for the specified impact study area:
(a) Road Network. A detailed description of the collector and arterial road network, including existing and programmed roadway lanes and lane right-of-way widths; existing and programmed traffic signal locations and signal phasing; existing and planned ingress and egress locations for development mutually served by major roadway facilities with the proposed development (including all access locations adjacent to and within 600 feet of the proposed development property lines); and existing and programmed public transportation services and facilities.
(b) Development Details. A description of development, including phasing and anticipated completion dates.
(c) Existing Conditions. A detailed description of the existing traffic conditions, including the average daily traffic and traffic during the peak a.m. and p.m. hours.
(d) Capacity Analyses. Capacity analyses shall be conducted at the intersections of all major roadways in the impact area that are signalized or that warrant signalization.
(e) Level of Service Impact. Based on the capacity analyses described in sub-paragraph (d) above, a summary of existing levels of service on the impact area network shall be provided.
(f) Traffic Impacts. The following components shall be submitted to the City prior to a Detailed Cumulative Transportation Impact Analysis:
(1) Trip Generation. Indicate daily and a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation data. Peak hour trip generation data should reflect the impact anticipated during the existing street peak hour on the adjacent street. The analysis shall show in tabular form the land use components, the trip generation rates, and the total trips generated by land use type. Daily and peak hour trip generation, as well as inbound/outbound direction split shall be based on the report entitled "Trip Generation (latest edition)" by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, or its successors, except when special trip generation research conducted by the person preparing the traffic impact analysis demonstrates alternative data to be more appropriate.
(2) Internal/External Split. Indicate the internal/external split and pass-by trips for daily and peak hour travel. The analysis shall indicate the basis for capturing internal and external trips.
(3) Trip Distribution. Indicate the basis for determining trip distribution for the proposed development and the resultant trip distribution by cardinal direction (north, south, east, and west).
(4) Trip Assignment. Identify the trip assignment (daily and peak hour) within the study area. Daily volumes shall be noted along roadway links. Peak hour volumes shall be reflected in turning movements at development entrances and major roadway intersections.
(g) Detailed Cumulative Transportation Impact Analysis. This analysis shall include existing traffic, traffic growth due to other approved development, and the impact of the proposed development.
(1) This analysis must identify projected average daily and peak hour volumes for all collector and arterial roadways and intersections and must identify the development impact separately from the cumulative traffic volume. For the purposes of these analyses, background traffic shall be identified as existing plus other approved development traffic. Other development traffic shall be identified by using actual traffic analyses for approved projects and historical growth trends on the subject roadways as appropriate.
(2) Capacity analyses shall be conducted to identify levels of service resulting from the cumulative traffic demands, including the proposed development. When the combination of background traffic and the impact from the subject development will reduce the Level of Service (LOS) below LOS C, analyses shall be conducted to identify those improvements required to maintain acceptable LOS standards, as determined by the City Engineer or applicable agency/entity. If the current use is LOS C or below, the LOS must be preserved or improved as determined by the City Engineer or applicable agency/entity. These improvements shall be identified clearly. When determining acceptable LOS standards, the City shall use the most recent versions of the Highway Capacity Manual and AASHTO Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)