The base traffic impact analysis study area shall include all major roadways (collectors, arterials, interstates, and other public and private roads) near the site. The study area shall include at least the intersection(s) of the major access roadway(s) with the first major or minor arterial roadway in each travel direction from the development if traffic generated by the proposed development would potentially affect levels of service at the intersection. The minimum study area shall be verified with the Director of Planning and City Engineer before the preparation of the traffic impact analysis report, and the Director of Planning or City Engineer may require additional segments and intersections as deemed appropriate. Subsequent to the traffic impact analysis report, the minimum study area may be expanded by the Director of Planning, City Engineer, or the Planning Commission. The City of Springboro may adopt local and/or statewide Traffic Access and Impact Study Guidelines, or successor guidelines, which shall be used as the basis for any study required by these regulations.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)