(a) Zoning Districts.
(1) Roof-Mounted WECS are permitted by right in all zoning districts, provided that all of the applicable requirements of this Code are met.
(2) Tower-Mounted WECS may be permitted by right in the R-1, ED, M-1, and M-2 Districts, provided that all of the applicable requirements of this Ordinance are met.
(b) Minimum Lot Area.
(1) Roof-Mounted WECS shall have no minimum lot area.
(2) Tower-Mounted WECS shall be located on a lot with a minimum net area of 1 acre.
(c) Maximum Wind Turbine Height. The height of a WECS is the vertical distance from grade level adjacent to the base of the structure to the center of the hub of a horizontal axis WECS or the highest point of a vertical axis wind turbine.
Figure 6. Horizontal Axis and Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
(1) Roof-Mounted WECS shall have a maximum height of 10 feet above the highest point of the roof.
(2) Tower-Mounted WECS shall have a maximum height of 20 meters (65.617 feet) on lots less than 5 acres and a maximum height of 30 meters (98.425 feet) on lots 5 acres or greater.
(d) Minimum Setbacks.
(1) Roof-Mounted WECS shall adhere to the minimum setbacks of the zoning district.
(2) Tower-Mounted WECS shall be set back from all property lines, overhead utility rights-of-way and easements, and other towers a distance equal to or greater than the height of the windmill .
(e) Number of Units. Each structure or parcel shall be limited to the construction of one WECS unit.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)