Ord. No. Date Description
91A 6-7-51 Annexing part of Sec. 13, T2, R5, M.R.S., Clearcreek Twp.
113A 12-3-53 Annexing part of Sec. 7, T2, R5, M.R.S., Clearcreek Twp.
114A 1-7-54 Annexing part of Sec. 13, T2, R5, Clearcreek Twp.
180A 7-13-59 Annexing part of the SW quarter of Sec. 8, T2, R5, M.R.S., Clearcreek Twp. Application of B-N-K Corp.
208A 8-4-60 Annexing part of Secs. 13 and 14, T2, R5, Clearcreek Twp. Application of Juanita Stubbs, et al.
221A 11-3-60 Annexing part of the SW quarter of Sec. 8, T2, R5, M.R.S., Clearcreek Twp. Application of Elizabeth Harmar.
227A 1-5-61 Amends Ord. 114A.
233A 6-1-61 Annexing 28.891 acres in Sec. 13, T2E, R5N, Clearcreek Twp. Application of Marion L. Baty, et al.
245A 5-10-62 Annexing 4.77 acres of Sec. 14, T2, R5N, Clearcreek Twp.
246A 5-10-62 Annexing part of Secs. 13 and 14, T2, R5N, Clearcreek Twp.
265A 3-7-63 Annexing part of Sec. 14, T2, R5, Clearcreek Twp.
282A 10-24-63 Annexing part of Sec. 14, T2, R5, Clearcreek Twp.
287A 4-2-64 Annexing part of Sec. 14, T2, R5N, Clearcreek Twp.
294A 8-6-64 Annexing part of Sec. 14, T2, R5N, Clearcreek Twp.
352A 11-2-67 Annexing 653.04 acres in Clearcreek and Franklin Twps.
362A 8-1-68 Annexing 26.899 acres in Clearcreek Twp.
373A 1-16-69 Annexing 139.232 acres in Clearcreek Twp.
380A 5-1-69 Annexing 5.302 acres in Clearcreek Twp.
428 5-4-72 Annexing 1.890 acres in Clearcreek Twp. Application of Harold L. Sexton, et al.
431 7-6-72 Annexing 40.995 acres in Franklin Twp. Application of Glenn Farms, Inc.
436 9-7-72 Annexing 96.926 acres in Clearcreek Twp. Application of William D. Forbes, et al.
468 10-4-73 Annexing 120.323 acres in Secs. 13 and 14, T2, R5, M.R.S., Clearcreek Twp.
692 12-16-77 Annexing 464.25 acres in Secs. 8, 9, 14 and 15, T2, R5, Clearcreek Twp. Application of John R. Remick.
743 9-7-78 Annexing 4.48 acres in Sec. 14, T2, R5, of Clearcreek Twp. Application of Robert E. Callahan.
746 9-21-78 Annexing 112.75 acres in Sec. 15, T2E, R5N, Clearcreek Twp. Application of Ronald B. Sellers.
759 11-2-78 Annexing 371.1 acres in Sec. 13, T2, R5; Sec. 18, T3, R4; and Sec. 12, T3, R4, Clearcreek Twp. Application of Stanley A. Chmiel.
862 12-6-79 Annexing 1.149 acres in Sec. 13, T2, R5, Clearcreek Twp. Application of Steven A. and M. Roslyn Cox.
985 10-15-81 Accepting revised plat and legal description of annexation approved by Ord. 759.
Res. 392 5-5-83 Annexing 13.942 acres in Sec. 7, T2, R5, Clearcreek Twp. Application of Paul A. Lemon, et al.
Res. 397 9-1-83 Amends Res. 392.
1122A 10-4-84 Rescinds Ord. 1122; annexing 48.005 acres of real estate adjacent to the Village.
1174 9-19-85 Annexation of 18.88 acres of land on Pennyroyal Rd. and Clearcreek-Franklin Rd.
1175 9-19-85 Annexation of 99.095 acres of land on Clearcreek-Franklin Rd.
1178 10-3-85 Annexation of 131.977 acres of land on Factory Rd. and Lower Springboro Rd.
1193 12-5-85 Amends Ord. 1175 to eorreet legal description.
86-49 10-16-86 Accepts annexation of 160 acres on Lower Springboro Rd.
86-50 10-16-86 Accepts annexation of 12.497 acres on Clearereek-Franklin Rd.
86-61 12-18-86 Accepts annexation of 13.124 acres owned by Concrete Technology, Inc.
87-5 1-2-87 Accepts annexation of 432.83 acres on Lytle Five Points Road.
87-13 2-5-87 Accepts annexation of 91.45 acres in Clearcreek Township on State Route 741.
87-63 7-16-87 Accepts annexation of 0.089 acres on Lower Springboro Road by Bernard F. Eichholz, agent for petitioners.
87-72 8-6-87 Accepts annexation of 29.287 acres off Weidner Road by Bernard F. Eichholz, agent for petitioners.
88-42 7-21-88 Annexation of 381.454 acres on Lytle-Five Points Rd.
88-74 10-20-88 Annexation of 5.501 acres in Woodland Greens 2, Clearcreek Township.
88-75 10-20-88 Annexation of 16.701 acres in Woodland Greens 2, Clearcreek Township.
89-6 1-5-89 Acceptance of annexation of 2.978 acres of right of way of Pennyroyal Rd.
89-12 2-2-89 Acceptance of annexations of 2.014 acres of right of way of State Route 741.
89-52 6-15-89 Petition to change township boundaries to make them identical to those of the City.
89-64 7-20-89 Accepting annexation of 52.514 acres on State Route 741.
89-71 8-17-89 Accepts annexation of 29.873 acres on Red Lion Five Road.
89-89 9-21-89 Annexation application of 5.921 acres south of Lytle Five Points Rd. and east of Turnberry Court.
89-90 9-21-89 Annexation application of 133.554 acres on Lower Springboro Rd.
89-91 9-21-89 Annexation application of 31.846 acres on Rosewood Dr.
89-92 9-21-89 Annexation application of 29.873 acres on Red Lion Five Road.
90-25 4-5-90 Annexation of 2.101 acres of Lytle Five Points Road public right of way, Clearcreek Township.
91-30 5-2-91 Annexation of 202.463 acres on Lytle Five Points, Yankee and Bunnellhill Rds., Clearcreek Township.
91-52 8-15-91 Annexation of 29.567 acres on Clearcreek, Franklin and Pennyroyal Rds., Franklin Township.
91-62 10-3-91 Annexation of 1.975 acres at State Route 73 and Cherry St., Clearcreek Township.
91-63 10-17-91 Annexation of 19.284 acres on State Route 73, Clearcreek Township.
91-64 10-17-91 Annexation of 34.9684 acres on Red Lion Five Points Rd., Clearcreek Township.
91-65 10-17-91 Annexation of 35.4558 acres on Red Lion Five Points Rd., Clearcreek Township.
92-5 1-16-92 Annexation of 17.425 acres on north side of Lytle Five Points Rd., west of Yankee Road, in Clearcreek Township.
92-67 11-19-92 Annexation of 1.1885 acres on south side of Lytle Five Points Rd., west of Crosley Rd., in Clearcreek Township.
93-37 6-17-93 Accepting annexation application for 56.205 acres in Franklin and Clearcreek Twps.
93-51 8-5-93 Annexation application for 0.911 acres at 8617 Clearcreek - Franklin Rd., Franklin Twp.
94-7 2-10-94 Accepting annexation application for 99.05 acres at Lower Springboro Rd. and S.R. 73, Clearcreek Twp.
94-51 10-20-94 Accepting annexation of 77.2803 acres on Red Lion Five Points Rd., Clearcreek Twp.
94-56 11-3-94 Accepting annexation of 0.505 acres at 8521 Clearcreek-Franklin Rd., Franklin Twp.
94-67 12-15-94 Accepting annexation of 95.234 acres on Lower Springboro Rd., Clearcreek Twp.
96-25 4-4-96 Accepting annexation of 17.4477 acres south of Eyler Drive, Clearcreek Twp.
96-35 6-6-96 Accepting annexation of 75.199 acres on State Route 741, Clearcreek Twp.
96-51 9-5-96 Accepting annexation of 51.7242 acres on Red Lion Five Points Road, Clearcreek Twp.
96-54 10-21-96 Accepting annexation of 216.6552 acres on State Route 741, Clearcreek Twp.
97-28 3-20-97 Accepting annexation of 26.450 acres of land located between Factory Road and Lower Springboro Road.
97-29 3-20-97 Accepting annexation of 43.8219 acres of land located on Yankee Road, Clearcreek Twp.
97-30 3-20-97 Accepting annexation of 88.181 acres of land located on State Route 73, Clearcreek Twp.
97-31 3-20-97 Accepting annexation of 0.501 acres of land located at 8541 Clearcreek-Franklin Road.
97-69 10-16-97 Detachment of certain lands comprising 0.8296 acres in Clearcreek Township.
98-36 9-3-98 Accepting annexation of 14.738 acres situated on Richard’s Run, south of Woodland Greens Subdivision Clearcreek Township.
Res. 99-64 10-7-99 Accepting the annexation of 2.44 acres of land on State Route 73, Clearcreek Township.
Res. 00-1 1-6-00 Accepting the annexation of 17.5 acres known as the YMCA territory, Clearcreek Township.
Res. 00-7 2-17-00 Accepting the annexation of 9.768 acres known as the Oak Leaf Homes annexation, Clearcreek Township.
Res. 00-71 11-16-00 Accepting the annexation of 91.050 acres known as the Kessling Area, Clearcreek Township.
Res. 02-19 3-21-02 Accepting the annexation of 2.03 acres known as the Dallas Myers Enterprises.
Res. 02-23 4-4-02 Accepting the annexation of 2.368 acres known as the Elliot annexation.
Res. 02-42 6-6-02 Annexation agreement with Clearcreek Township for 10.4196 acres owned by Daniel and Anna Wade.
Res. 02-58 9-5-02 Annexation agreement with Clearkcreek Township regarding the Swope annexation.
Res. 02-72 11-7-02 Accepting the annexation of 10.4196 acres known as the “Wade Annexation”.
Res. 02-86 12-19-02 Accepting the annexation of 10.552 acres known as the “Swope Annexation”.
Res. 04-13 3-18-04 Ratifying an agreement with Clearcreek Township regarding the annexation of 0.4896 acres known as the Henderson Annexation.
Res. 04-17 4-15-04 Accepting the annexation of 0.4896 acres of land known as the Henderson Annexation.
Res. 06-36 7-20-06 Accepting the annexation of 80 acres from Clearcreek Township.
Res. 06-40 9-21-06 Accepting the annexation of 62.8131 acres known as the Springboro Community Schools Annexation.
Res. 07-1 1-4-07 Accepting the annexation of 78.1 acres known as the “Bailey and Bailey” area.
Res. 17-34 11-16-17 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an annexation agreement with Miami Township, Montgomery County, to Annex 7.749 +/- acres of property on the South Side of Austin Boulevard.
Res. R-22-38 10-6-22 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an annexation agreement with Franklin Township for approximately 42 +/- acres of undeveloped land, adjacent to, and south of, the intersection of Advance Dr. and Sharts Rd.
Res. R-23-15 6-15-23 Accepting the annexation of 42.082 acres of undeveloped land located in Franklin Township adjacent to, and south of, the intersection of Advance Dr. and Sharts Rd.