The following additional regulations shall apply to hospital:
(a) Site Area. The site shall have a minimum area of 5 acres, and shall not be a lot of record.
(b) Setbacks. The minimum setback for any principal or accessory structure shall be 40 feet for all two-story structures. The minimum setback shall be increased by 10 feet for every story above two.
(c) Building Height. Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in the subject zoning district may be allowed provided front, side and rear yards are increased above the minimum required yards by 1foot for each foot of building height that exceeds the maximum height allowed.
(d) Parking Lot Screening. Off-street parking shall be prohibited in the front setback area and within 10 feet of the rear or side property lines. In the case any off-street parking area abuts a lot in any residential district, a wall or buffer shall be provided as per Chapter 1280.
(e) Service Areas. Ambulance and emergency entrance areas shall be screened from view from adjacent residences by the building design or by a masonry wall.
(f) State and Federal Law. Hospitals shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in conformance with applicable state and federal laws.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)