(a) Setback Requirements. Attached single-family dwelling unit buildings and two-family dwellings shall have a 10 foot minimum front, side, side street, and rear yard setbacks for building separation.
(b) Individual Entrances Required. All dwelling units shall have entrances that are directly accessible from the exterior of the building. No unit shall gain access from an interior hallway within a building. The primary exterior entrance to all units shall face a street with a connection leading from the roadside sidewalk to the front entrance of the unit. In no case shall a front entrance to a townhouse unit face the rear yard of another dwelling unit or a service area.
(c) Design Features.
(1) Any street-facing façade that is visible from a public right-of-way or private road easement shall include features such as, but not limited to columns, cornices, pediments, articulated bases, and fluted masonry covering a minimum of 10 percent of the exterior wall area.
(2) All single-family attached dwellings and two-family dwellings shall comply with the exterior building material and general appearance requirements applicable to detached single-family dwellings (refer to Section 1264.06).
(d) Front Porch or Stoop Required.
(1) Minimum Square Footage. Each dwelling unit or building subdivision shall have a minimum 30 square feet unenclosed porch or stoop.
(2) Enclosure. The porch or stoop may be covered so long as the area between the top surface of the stoop and the underside of the canopy covering the stoop is at least 75 percent open. For the purpose of calculating the enclosure requirement, the vertical area of any surface or building element intended to enclose the stoop, including screens, shall be subtracted from the total vertical area of the stoop between the floor and the canopy.
(e) Off-Street Parking. For development projects of greater than 20 units, off-street parking areas, in addition to the required minimum parking per dwelling as noted in Table 12, shall be equally distributed throughout the development site to accommodate visitors and additional temporary parking needs.
(1) Number, Size and Location. A minimum of 5 percent of the required minimum parking per Table 12 shall be provided. Individual parking lots shall not exceed 5 spaces. The location and number of off-street parking areas shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
(f) Garages.
(1) Garage Required. Each attached single-family dwelling and two-family dwelling shall have at least 1 parking space in a garage for each dwelling unit.
(2) Width. Garage doors may not comprise more than 35 percent of the width of any façade facing a public or private street.
(3) Setback. Front-facing garage doors may not be located closer to any front street than the front building wall enclosing the first floor living space of the unit to which they are accessory.
(4) Access. Garages are encouraged to be accessed from side or rear facades, particularly when a parcel has side street access.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)