(a)   General Requirements.
      (1)   Frontage on Improved Streets. No subdivision shall be approved unless the area to be subdivided shall have frontage on and access from an existing public street or a street shown upon a record plan approved by the City Council and recorded in the County Recorder's office. Such street or highway must be suitably improved as required by the City of Springboro regulations, specifications, or orders, or be secured by a performance bond required under these subdivision regulations, with the width and right-of-way required by these subdivision regulations and the Mobility Master Plan.
      (2)   Access To and Between Subdivisions. All major subdivisions shall have 2 or more connections to existing streets, located in such a manner as to allow maximum opportunity for quick access to all parts of the subdivision by emergency vehicles. Major subdivisions with between 4and 20 lots may request an exception from the Planning Commission from this requirement in cases where such connections are not feasible. In allowing such exceptions, the Planning Commission may require larger than minimum right-of-way and pavement widths for the entrance street or other provisions that optimize the accessibility of emergency vehicles in a variety of emergency situations. Minor subdivisions shall have no more than 1 connection to existing streets.
   (b)   Traffic Impact Study to Determine Levels of Service. The applicant for any development projected to generate more than 1,000 vehicle trips per day or 100 vehicle trips during the peak a.m. or p.m. peak hour, as outlined in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual shall submit a traffic impact analysis for review by the City for the purposes of determining the impact on the adjoining thoroughfare system, and to identify thoroughfare improvement projects necessary to support the traffic impact in balance with roadway safety. At the discretion of the City Engineer, a traffic impact study may be required for uses generating less than 1,000 vehicle trips per day. The City of Springboro Traffic Access and Impact Study Guidelines, or successor guidelines, shall be used as the basis for any study required by these regulations.
   (c)   Improvement Plan. Streets shall be graded and improved, shall conform to the City of Springboro Standard Construction Drawings and Specifications, and shall be approved as to design and specifications by the City Engineer.
   (d)   Classification and Function. All streets and highways shall be classified as outlined in the Springboro Mobility Master Plan as an Interstate/Expressway, Arterial, Collector, or Local thoroughfare. Streets and their designs should reflect their location within the community, be coordinated with adjacent land uses and provide for the numerous functions a street serves such as vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle circulation, social interaction as well as public space. Designs may be accomplished through street section designs that include sidewalks, street trees, on-street parking and pavement widths as outlined in the Springboro Mobility Master Plan.
   (e)   Street Section and Construction Design. Table 2 below identifies typical sections for streets constructed within the City of Springboro:
Table 2. Typical Street Sections and Construction Design
Street Type
Right of Way
(in feet)
Back of Curb to
Back of Curb
Width (in feet)
Sidewalk Width
on Each Side of
the Street (in feet)
Local including cul-de-sacs
South Main Street to Corporate Limit
65 minimum
South Main Street (SR 741) from SR 73 South to corporate Line
Emergency Access Roadway
12 (excludes curb)
      (1)   All improvements shall be installed by the developer and shall conform to all City of Springboro Standard Construction Drawings and Specifications.
      (2)   Right-of-way widths in excess of the standards designated in these regulations may be required whenever additional width is necessary to provide adequate earth slopes due to topography. Such slopes shall not be in excess of 3-to-1.
      (3)   Limited access expressways, where so located as to affect the subdivision of adjoining lands shall, be treated as follows: In residential districts, a landscaped buffer strip at least 30 feet in depth in addition to the normal depth of the lot required in the district shall be provided adjacent to limited access highways. This strip shall be part of the platted lots and shall be designated on the record plan with the following text: "This strip is reserved for screening. The placement of structure on this land is prohibited."
      (4)   Centerline grades shall not be less than 0.5percent on any street. Centerline grades shall not exceed 6 percent on interstates/ expressways, arterial and collector streets, and 10 percent on local streets.
      (5)   Vertical curves shall be used at all grade changes. Minimum sight distances shall be 300 feet for major residential streets, 200 feet for secondary residential streets, and 100 feet for minor residential streets. A tangent of 50 feet minimum shall be required between reverse curves. Whenever roadway lines are deflected, connection shall be made in the form of a horizontal curve.
      (6)   Intersections.
         A.   Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect at right angles. A proposed intersection of 2 new streets at an angle of less than 60 degrees shall be prohibited. An oblique street should be curved approaching an intersection, and should be at right angles for at least 100 feet there from. Not more than 2 streets shall intersect at any one point unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission.
         B.   Proposed new intersections along one side of an existing street shall, wherever practicable, coincide with existing intersections on the opposite side of such street. Street off-sets with center-line offsets of less than 150 feet shall not be permitted Intersections of an arterial street with another street shall be at least 800 feet apart. For the purposes of intersection design, private drives generating more than 1,000 vehicle trips per day as outlined in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual shall be considered in the same manner as a public street.
         C.   Minimum curb radius at the intersection of 2 local streets shall be at least 20 feet; and minimum curb radius at an intersection involving an arterial or collector street shall be at least 35 feet.
         D.   At the approach to an intersection, a leveling area shall be provided having not greater than a 2 percent slope. The leveling area shall extend to a distance of 35 feet from the edge of the pavement of the through street.
         E.   Where any street intersection will involve earth banks or existing or proposed vegetation inside any lot corner that would create a traffic hazard by limiting visibility, the developer shall redesign the roadway to avoid the removal of trees and other vegetation, and the developer shall cut such ground and/or vegetation (including trees) in connection with the grading of the public right-of-way to the extent deemed necessary to provide an adequate intersection sight distance as determined by the City Engineer. Intersection site distances shall be designed to meet minimum Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) design criteria.
      (7)   Topography and Arrangement.
         A.   Streets shall be related to the topography and generally accepted engineering principles. All streets shall be arranged so as to obtain as many building sites as possible at, or above, the grades of the streets. Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to the original topography. A combination of steep grades and curves shall be avoided in the same area.
         B.   All streets shall be integrated with the existing and proposed street network and or dedicated rights-of-way as established in the Mobility Master Plan.
         C.   Minor or local street layout shall conform as much as possible to the existing topography, to discourage through traffic, and to permit efficient drainage and utility systems.
         D.   The street network shall be an interconnected system that connects to existing and other proposed streets.
         E.   Proposed streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, or unless in the opinion of the Planning Commission such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the layout of the subdivision with the existing layout or the most advantageous future development of adjacent tracks.
         F.   In business, office and manufacturing areas, the streets and other access ways shall be planned in connection with the grouping of buildings, and the provision of alleys, truck loading and maneuvering areas, and walks and parking areas so as to minimize conflict of movement between the various types of traffic, including pedestrians.
      (8)   Blocks.
         A.   Blocks shall have sufficient length and width to provide for 2 tiers of lots of adequate size and dimension to comply with the density requirements of the Planning and Zoning Code, except where double frontage lots are approved by the Planning Commission. The design of lots shall conform to Section 1246.06, Lot Layout, of these regulations.
         B.   The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall be of such dimension as to facilitate compliance with the density requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, but block lengths in residential areas shall not exceed 1,000 feet, nor be less than 200 feet in length.
         C.   Pedestrian way access easements, not less than 10 feet wide, may be required by the Planning Commission through the midpoint of blocks more than 700 feet long where deemed essential to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, or other community facilities. Blocks designed for industrial uses shall be of such length and width as may be determined suitable by the Planning Commission for prospective use. Sidewalks constructed in such pedestrian access easements shall conform to Section 1246.07, Sidewalks and Curbs, of these regulations.
   (f)   Access to Arterial Streets. Where a subdivision borders on or contains an existing or proposed arterial, the Planning Commission may require that access to such streets be limited by one of the following means:
      (1)   The subdivision of lots shall include access to lots from a parallel local street or rear alley, no direct access shall be provided from the arterial street.
      (2)   U-shaped streets with the rear lines of their lots backing onto the primary arterial.
      (3)   Marginal access or service streets (separated from the arterial by a planting or grass strip and having access at suitable points).
   (g)   Street Signs. The applicant shall install all street signs. Special street signs other than city required signs shall be installed by the developer and maintained by the homeowners association. Street name signs are to be placed at all intersections within or abutting the subdivision, the type and location of which to be approved by the City Engineer.
   (h)   Post Lights. Post lights shall be located in the front yard and be mounted 5 feet above the ground, and supplied by an underground circuit at a minimum of 15 amps, 120 volts. Such lights shall not be less than 75 watts, incandescent bulb or equivalent, nor more than 100 watts. Post lights shall be controlled by a photo electric cell, and be maintained and operable at all times.
   (i)   Reserve Strips. The creation of reserve strips shall not be permitted adjacent to a proposed street in such a manner as to deny access from adjacent property to the street.
   (j)   Street Trees. All street trees to be planted in the right of way shall be indicated on a landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and shall outline the tree species, caliper, and location.
   (k)   Construction of Streets and Dead-End Streets.
      (1)   The arrangement of streets shall provide for continuation of streets between adjacent properties when the continuation is necessary for convenient movement of traffic, effective fire protection, for efficient provision of utilities, and/or where the continuation is in accordance with the City of Springboro Mobility Master Plan. If the adjacent property is undeveloped and the street must temporarily be a dead-end street, the right-of-way shall be extended to the property line. The city may require that temporary T-or L-shaped turnabouts be provided on all temporary dead-end streets, with the notation on the record plan that land outside the normal street right-of-way shall revert to adjacent property owners whenever the street is continued. The Planning Commission may limit the length of temporary dead-end streets in accordance with the design standards of these regulations.
      (2)   Where a street does not extend beyond the boundary of the subdivision and its continuation is not required by the Planning Commission for access to adjoining property, its terminus shall normally not be nearer to such boundary than 50 feet. However, the Planning Commission may require the reservation of an easement to accommodate drainage facilities, pedestrian traffic, or utilities.
      (3)   Cul-De-Sacs. Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 600 feet in length as measured from the intersection of the last through intersecting street and the center point of the cul-de-sac ball; and shall have at the closed end a turnaround containing a right of way having an outside radius of not less than 50 feet which shall have a back curb radius of not less than 39.5 feet. The cul-de-sac may have an island if there is a minimum of 20 feet of pavement surface encircling the island.
   (l)   Street Dedications and Reservations. Where a subdivision borders an existing narrow or substandard street or when the Comprehensive Land Use Master Plan or Mobility Master Plan indicate plans for realignment or widening of a street that would require use of some of the land in the subdivision, the applicant shall be required to improve and dedicate at its expense those areas for widening or realignment of those streets. Frontage streets and streets shall be improved and dedicated by the developer at their own expense to the full width as required by these subdivision regulations.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)