(a)   Subdivisions. Before any land is subdivided, the owner of the property to be subdivided, or his authorized agent, shall apply for and secure approval of the proposed subdivision in accordance with the following procedures, which include two (2) principal steps for a minor subdivision and five (5) principal steps for a major subdivision.
      (1)   Minor Subdivision:
         A.   Concept Plan
         B.   Record Plan
      (2)   Major Subdivision:
         A.   Pre-application Conference
         B.   Concept Plan
         C.   Preliminary Subdivision Plan
         D.   Construction Drawings
         E.   Record Plan
Table 1. Summary of Subdivision Application Process, Major Subdivisions, City of Springboro
Pre-Application Conference for major subdivision
Director of Planning
Concept Plan Application
Director of Planning
Concept Plan Action/Approval
Director of Planning
Preliminary Plan Application
Director of Planning
Preliminary Plan Action
Planning Commission
Construction Plans Submitted for Review
City Engineer
Record Plan Application
Director of Planning
Record Plan Action
Planning Commission and City Council
Performance and Maintenance Bonds Submitted
Director of Planning
Record Plan Signatures
City Engineer, Mayor and Clerk of Council for Major Subdivisions; Director of Planning and City Engineer for Minor Subdivisions
Acceptance of Public Improvements
City Council
   (b)   Official Submission Dates. For the purpose of these regulations, for both major and minor subdivisions, the date of the meeting of the Planning Commission at which the public meeting or hearing on approval of a concept, preliminary or final subdivision plat, including any adjourned date thereof, is closed, shall constitute the Official Submission Date, of the plat on which the statutory period required for formal approval, conditional approval or disapproval of the concept, preliminary or record plan shall commence to run.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)