(a) Issuance of Permit.
(1) Upon submission of all plans and documents required of the applicant and payment of the permit fees required by this chapter, the City Engineer, if satisfied that the applications, plans and documents comply with all requirements of this chapter, shall issue a Revocable Street Privilege Permit authorizing work in the right-of-way, subject to such further conditions, restrictions or regulations affecting the reasonable time, place and manner of performing the work as he may deem necessary or appropriate. The City Engineer may withhold the issuance of a permit if the applicant or owner has outstanding work covered under an expired permit.
(2) The permit shall expire one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of issuance unless otherwise specified on the permit. An additional permit fee equal to the original permit fee will be assessed for any work not completed within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the date of issuance of the permit.
(3) Upon the issuance of a Revocable Street Privilege Permit under this chapter, the City reserves the right to require a pre-construction meeting, the submission of a construction schedule, and/or the submission of a traffic control plan demonstrating the protective measures and devices that will be employed are consistent with the Ohio Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition, to prevent injury or damage to persons or property and to minimize disruptions to efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(4) All permit holders are required to cooperate with the City and with each other. All construction, locations, activities and schedules shall be coordinated, as ordered by the City Engineer, to minimize public inconvenience, disruption or damages.
(5) All construction practices and activities shall be in accordance with the permit and approved final plans and specifications for the facilities. The City Engineer and his representatives shall be provided access to the work and such further information as may be required to ensure compliance with such requirements.
(b) The permit holder shall maintain a copy of the Revocable Street Privilege Permit and approved plans at the construction site, which shall be displayed and made available for inspection by the City Engineer or his representatives at all times when construction work is occurring.
(c) If the Revocable Street Privilege Permit specifies the location of facilities by depth, line, grade, proximity to other facilities or other standard, the permit holder shall cause, upon the request of the City, at the permit holder's cost, the location of such facilities to be verified by a registered Ohio land surveyor, the person obtaining the permit, or an authorized representative of such person if it is a business entity. The permit holder shall relocate any facilities which are not located in compliance with permit requirements.
(Ord. 08-22. Passed 7-3-08.)