A. There is hereby authorized and established a negligent vehicle impoundment fee to be imposed upon the owner of every motor vehicle impounded by the City of Spirit Lake Police Department wherein the impoundment is made necessary by the negligent or otherwise irresponsible acts of the vehicle owner. Among the causes deemed to be negligent conduct which require the impoundment of a motor vehicle are:
1. Driving with a suspended or expired driver's license,
2. Driving with expired vehicle registration,
3. Vehicle abandonment or illegal or unsafe parking,
4. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
5. Any related circumstance during which the operator of a motor vehicle is arrested.
B. Such fees shall be officially established at the rate of twenty five dollars ($25.00) per impoundment (in addition to towing and storage fees) and such fee shall be paid before an impounded vehicle is released from the care or custody of the impound yard. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to work with the City Administrator and other City personnel to assure that methods of collection of the negligent impound fee are established and applied. By this section, the Council further authorizes the fee to be modified by subsequent resolution upon a showing satisfactory to the City Council that the costs of the administrative processing of impounded vehicles changes such that the appropriate fee amount should be changed. (Ord. 442, 2-8-2000)