(A)   Every person occupying a house or residence in the residential area where garbage or refuse exists shall utilize collection containers provided by the town, in which shall be deposited all garbage or refuse existing at such buildings or premises. All garbage and refuse deposited in said collection containers shall be bagged in such a manner so that there are no loose items of garbage or refuse.
   (B)   No garbage shall be collected from any residential premises unless it is in containers approved in this chapter.
   (C)   All person doing business in a business building within the town limits shall provide containers as outlined in this chapter.
   (D)   Each home and business building shall have a sufficient number of containers to hold the refuse until collected.
   (E)   No garbage or refuse shall be collected from any business premises unless it is in containers approved in this chapter.
   (F)   Persons doing business in a business building shall place all garbage and refuse in 90-gallon containers that are designed to be lifted and dumped into the town collection truck by a container-lifting device installed on collection trucks.
   (G)   No wooden boxes, pails or other wooden or cardboard containers, or any containers other than those specified in this chapter, shall be used for garbage and refuse. If used, such containers shall be confiscated by the town. This provision also includes 55-gallon drums or parts thereof.
   (H)   No swill, slops, garbage, bones, offal, kitchen waste or refuse shall be carried through the streets of the town, except in water-tight metal containers with tight-fitting covers.
   (I)   A violation of the foregoing provisions shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor pursuant to G.S. § 14-4.
(Ord. passed 7-1-2011) Penalty, see § 10.99