(A)   The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute contracts or agreements with such other political subdivisions of the state as to him or her may seem advisable, pursuant to G.S.§ 166A-19.72, whereby the parties agree to render mutual aid and assistance by the loan of law enforcement officers or equipment in time of emergency.
   (B)   Contracts or agreements of mutual law enforcement aid and assistance shall provide that they shall take effect upon ratification by the governing bodies of each party thereto and recordation in the minutes thereof. Such contracts or agreements shall be presented to the governing board of each party for ratification at its next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, but any such contract or agreement executed on behalf of the town shall be in all respects valid and binding on the town between the time of its final execution and the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
(Prior Code, § 93.03) (Ord. passed 4-15-1968)