(A)   The Police Department of the town shall consist of a Chief, an Assistant Chief and as many more police officers as the Board of Commissioners shall from time to time determine.
   (B)   The police officers shall receive as compensation such sums as shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners.
   (C)   The Chief of Police shall have charge of the police force and, as such, shall assign such duties to the police officers as he or she thinks best for the good order of the town. The Police Chief shall be responsible to the Town Manager in seeing that the police officers faithfully perform their duties.
   (D)   It shall be the duty of the police officers to:
      (1)   Preserve public peace, prevent crimes and detect and arrest offenders;
      (2)   Protect the rights of persons and property;
      (3)   Preserve order at elections and all public meetings and assemblages;
      (4)   Regulate the movements of vehicles in the streets and highways;
      (5)   Provide proper police attendance at fires;
      (6)   Carefully observe and inspect all places of public amusement, all places of business having license to carry on such business and to suppress and restrain all unlawful and disorderly conduct or practices therein;
      (7)   Enforce and preserve the provisions of this code and other ordinances of the town and state law;
      (8)   Prevent, as far as possible, any injury to town property and buildings, streets and sidewalks;
      (9)   Report to the Town Manager any repairs needed to any public property;
      (10)   Serve all processes issued to them; and
      (11)   Perform any and all other duties that may be assigned to them by the Chief of Police.
   (E)   The Chief of Police or any police officer of the town shall have authority, if resisted in the execution of their lawful duties, to summon a sufficient number of persons to aid them in enforcing the law. It shall be unlawful for any person so summoned to refuse to assist.
(Prior Code, § 32.08) (Res. passed 4-19-1993) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Municipal police departments, see G.S. §§ 160A-281 et seq.