§ 155.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   The owner or tenant of any building, structure, premises or part thereof, or any architect, builder, contractor, agent or other person who commits, participates in, assists in or maintains such violation may be found guilty of a separate offense and be subject to the penalties herein provided in § 10.99, General Penalty of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Violation of any provision of § 155.143 shall subject the offender to a civil penalty in the amount of $50 to be recovered by the town. Violators shall be issued a written citation which must be paid within 72 hours. Each day’s continuation violation of this chapter shall be a separate and distinct offense.
   (C)   A developer of a manufactured home park or other person violating § 155.146 may be subject to a civil penalty, under G.S. § 160A-175(c), of $100. No penalty shall be assessed prior to notice to the manufactured home park developer. For every day a developer is in violation of this § 155.146, it may be considered a separate offense. If the violator does not pay such a penalty within 30 days of notification of its assessment by written citation, it may be recovered by the town in a civil action in the nature of a debt. The developer may contest said penalty in the court of appropriate jurisdiction.
(Ord. passed 2-20-2012; Ord. passed 3-17-2014; Ord. passed - -2022)