(A)   A Town Planning Board is hereby created under the authority of G.S. § 160A-361.
   (B)   In the preparation of the plan, modified plan or parts thereof, the Planning Board shall make careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of present conditions and future growth of the town and with due regard to its relation to neighboring territory. The plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the town and its environs which will, in accordance with present and future needs, best promote health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare, as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development. The plan shall include, among other things, adequate provision for traffic, the promotion of safety from fire and other dangers, adequate provision for light and air, the promotion of the healthful and convenient distribution of population, the promotion of good civic design and arrangement, wise and efficient expenditure of public funds and the adequate provision of public utilities and other public requirements.
   (C)   The Planning Board shall consist of not less than five, nor more than nine members, the number to be determined by the Mayor; such members shall be persons of recognized experience and qualifications. At the time of their appointment, members shall hold no other official town government position, except on a Zoning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals or Housing Authority Board. The Mayor may appoint two ex officio members to the Planning Board who shall have no vote, but who shall act as advisors to the Planning Board.
      (1)   The citizen members shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners upon creation of the Planning Board to hold office as follows: two members for one year; two members for two years; and one member for three years. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for a term of three years. All members of the Planning Board shall serve as such without compensation.
      (2)   Members may, after a public hearing, be removed by the Mayor for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. The Mayor shall file a written statement of reasons for such removal.
      (3)   Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Board of Commissioners.
   (D)   Within 30 days after appointment, the Planning Board shall elect its Chairperson from among the appointed citizen members and create and fill such other of its offices as it may determine. The term of office for the Chairperson shall be two years. The Planning Board shall hold at least one regular meeting in each month, which shall be open to the public. Such meetings shall be held at the pleasure of the Mayor or at the request of the Planning Board Chairperson. It shall adopt rules for transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record.
   (E)   The Planning Board may contract with town planners, engineers, architects and other consultants for such services as it may require. The expenditures of the Planning Board, exclusive of gifts, shall be within the amounts appropriated for the purpose by the Board of Commissioners. No indebtedness for which the town shall be liable shall be contracted by the Planning Board unless an appropriation is made by the Board of Commissioners for such purpose, as authorized by G.S. § 160A-363 , and then only to the extent of the appropriation. The Planning Board shall have the right to accept gifts and donations for the exercise of its functions and for giving publicity to its work and may expend the money received from such donations and gifts as, in its judgment, may appear best.
   (F)   It shall be the function and duty of the Planning Board to make and adopt a suggested master plan for the physical development of the town, or modified parts of such plan as the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners may deem best. Such plans, with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive matter may show the Planning Board’s recommendations for the development of such territory, including, among other things, the general location, character and extent of streets, viaducts, bridges, waterways, waterfronts, boulevards, parkways, playgrounds, squares, parks, aviation fields and other public ways, grounds and open spaces; the general location of public buildings and other public property; and the general location and extent of public utilities and terminals, whether publicly or privately owned or operated, for water, light, sanitation, transportation, communication, power and other purposes; also the removal, relocation, widening, narrowing, vacating, abandonment, change of use or extension of any of the foregoing ways, grounds, open spaces, buildings, property, utilities or terminals; as well as zoning plans for the control of the heights, area, bulk, location and use of buildings and premises. The Planning Board may from time to time recommend amendments, extensions or additions to the plan.
   (G)   Before the adoption by the Planning Board of the plan or any such part, amendment, extension or addition, the Planning Board shall hold at least one public hearing thereon. The Planning Board shall have power to promote public interest in and understanding of the plan and, to that end, may hold public hearings, publish and distribute copies of the plan or of any report and may employ such other means of publicity and education as it may determine. The Planning Board shall from time to time, and at least annually, submit reports in writing to the Board of Commissioners, giving information regarding the condition of the town, and any plans or proposals for the development of the town and estimates of the cost thereof, and these reports shall contain such other recommendations as the Planning Board feels should have immediate attention.
(Prior Code, § 32.07) (Ord. passed 1-6-1958)