§ 155.285 OFFICIALS.
   (A)   It is the intention of this chapter that all questions arising in connection with the enforcement of this chapter shall be presented first to the Zoning and Subdivision Administrator and that such questions shall be presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment only on appeal from the Zoning and Subdivision Administrator. From the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, recourse shall be had to courts as provided by law.
   (B)   It is further the intention of this chapter that the duties of the Board of Commissioners in connection with this chapter shall not include the hearing and passing upon disputed questions that may arise in connection with the enforcement thereof. The duties of the Board of Commissioners shall be the action upon any proposed amendments or repeal of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 2-20-2012; Ord. passed 3-17-2014; Ord. passed - -2022)