(A)   The Planning Board shall have the specific authority to make the following recommendations to the town’s Board of Commissioners regarding the zoning regulations and official zoning map:
      (1)   Recommend amendments to the zoning regulations;
      (2)   Recommend amendments to the official zoning map;
      (3)   Issue a statement upon each recommendation that the proposal is either consistent with, or not consistent with any comprehensive plan that has been adopted and any other officially adopted plan that is applicable;
      (4)   Review and take action on preliminary subdivision plats as described under town code of ordinances, Chapter 154, Subdivision Regulations; and
      (5)   Any related duty that the Board of Commissioners deem necessary.
   (B)   Advertising shall follow general statutes regarding amendments to the official zoning regulations and/or map. Before making their recommendation to the Board of Commissioners, the Planning Board may review each application for no more than 30 days from receipt of same at the meeting where the matter is introduced. If after 30 days the Planning Board has not rendered a recommendation, the Board of Commissioners may proceed with consideration and/or action.
(Ord. passed 2-20-2012; Ord. passed 3-17-2014; Ord. passed - -2022)