This subchapter applies to all signs erected in the town. The purpose of this subchapter is to ensure the installation of safe and effective signage that promotes both business activity and the aesthetic character of the town, as well as communicating essential information to the public. The following statements elaborate on this purpose:
   (A)   To provide opportunities for neighborhoods and commercial endeavors to be identified in an effective and equitable fashion;
   (B)   To promote public safety by reducing hazards associated with distracting or excessive signage;
   (C)   To establish and promote enhanced community character through signage that is reflective of the adopted goals of the town and its scale of development;
   (D)   To promote the integration of signage with the architectural characteristics and aesthetic quality of the town’s development;
   (E)   To provide for flexibility in amount, type and scale of signage depending on the context of the development and the surrounding area; and
   (F)   To facilitate efficient, thorough, consistent and effective enforcement of the sign regulations.
(Ord. passed 2-20-2012; Ord. passed 3-17-2014; Ord. passed - -2022)