(A)   Size. All proposed campgrounds shall be a minimum ten acres in size.
   (B)   Setbacks. Along any public street or public right-of-way, a setback of at least 50 feet from the edge of the public right-of-way shall be maintained. All spaces must be set back at least 50 feet from all public street rights of way and property lines.
   (C)   Minimum number of camper spaces. Campgrounds must have a minimum 15 camper spaces.
   (D)   Recreation space. A minimum of 10% of the total land area shall be devoted to accessible common open space for recreational use. These areas shall be separate from camper spaces and suitable for active and passive recreation and shall be reasonably located for safe and convenient access to campground residents. No common open space for recreational use shall be less than 3,000 square feet.
   (E)   Limit per space. No more than one RV may be parked on any one space.
   (F)   Parking. For the first 15 camper spaces, five centrally-located parking spaces shall be provided and maintained. For every 15 camper spaces after, one additional centrally-located parking space shall be provided and maintained. At no time shall parking be permitted on access roads to the campground.
   (G)   Spaces and building distance. A minimum of ten feet shall be maintained between any part of the trailers, structures or tent pads. Any accessory structures such as attached awnings, carports or individual storage facilities shall, for the purpose of this requirement, be considered a part of the trailer, tent or structure.
   (H)   Spaces. Camper spaces must be designated on the ground by permanent markers or monuments.
   (I)   Space size. Each space shall be a minimum of 1,500 square feet and a minimum of 25 feet in width.
   (J)   Density. The density shall not exceed 15 camping spaces per acre of total area.
   (K)   Buffering. A minimum ten-foot wide vegetated buffer strip shall be installed and maintained around the perimeter of the campground boundary. This strip shall be free of all encroachment by buildings, parking/camper areas or impervious surface.
   (L)   Manufactured homes. It shall be unlawful to park or store a manufactured home in a campground. One permanent residence, as defined by the North Carolina Building Code, shall be allowed within the campground to be used by the persons responsible for the operation and/or maintenance of the campground. The dwelling site must be designated on the site plan application.
   (M)   Sign. With the exception of permanent numbered signs to aid in navigation and public safety at each camper space, signs at all campgrounds must comply with the zoning regulations for signs within the zoning district they are located.
   (N)   Utility requirements. Each RV space shall have access to public water, sewer and electricity with a quick disconnect.
   (O)   Park sewer requirements. An adequate and safe sewer system shall be provided in all (travel trailer) parking areas. Such system shall either be a municipal system or a system approved by the appropriate county or state agency vested with the authority to approve sewage disposal systems.
   (P)   Refuse disposal. The campground owner/operator is responsible for providing a central location for refuse collection. The owner/operator shall adequately screen and buffer such location from campground residents and campsites. Storage, collection and disposal of refuse shall be managed as not to create health or other hazards. All refuse disposal is subject to current town ordinances.
   (Q)   Central service building. A central service building containing all necessary toilets, bathhouses and other plumbing fixtures specified in the most current edition of the North Carolina State Plumbing Code, as amended, shall be provided in all camping areas. Service building shall be conveniently located within a radius of 300 feet to camping spaces, which it serves.
   (R)   Number of days permitted. No RV or occupant of a RV shall be permitted within a campground for longer than 90 consecutive days within a 12-month period.
   (S)   Registration of occupants. Each campground owner and operator shall maintain an accurate register of all occupants within the campground. The register shall be available for inspection at all times by authorized town officials. The register shall include name and address of the occupants of each space, camper space number, date when occupancy within the campground began and when occupancy within the campground ceases. No camper space shall be used as a permanent place of residence.
   (T)   Internal streets. All internal roadways shall be stabilized and of adequate width to accommodate the volume and type of anticipated traffic. All internal roadways must have adequate accommodations for emergency response vehicles. One-way internal streets shall be at least 15 feet in width. Two-lane internal streets shall be at least 27 feet in width. Each camper space shall abut an internal street within the campground.
   (U)   Ingress and egress. No space shall have direct vehicular access to a public road. Access to all campers and structures within the campground shall be made using internal streets.
(Ord. passed 2-20-2012; Ord. passed 3-17-2014; Ord. passed - -2022)