(A)   No portion of the premises on which the business is located shall be situated within 600 feet of any of the following zoning districts: residential districts R-6, R-10, R-20, NB and C-C Central Commercial.
   (B)   No portion of the premises on which the sexually oriented business is located shall be situated within 600 feet of a lot line of an established church or religious institution.
   (C)   No portion of the premises on which the sexually oriented business is located shall be within 600 feet of a public park.
   (D)   No portion of the premises on which the sexually oriented business is located shall be situated within 600 feet of a lot line of another sexually oriented business.
   (E)   There shall be no more than one sexually oriented business in the same building, structure, or portion thereof. No other principal or accessory use may occupy the same building, structure, property, or portion thereof with any sexually oriented business.
   (F)   The structure in which the sexually oriented business is located shall contain no sleeping quarters.
   (G)   If dancers are employed as a feature of the sexually oriented business, the performing areas for such dancers shall be separated from patrons by at least ten feet.
   (H)   If viewing booths are provided, such are designed as to allow the person or occupants to be completely visible from a portion of the premises open and available to the public.
   (I)   The applicant shall propose and implement a site lighting plan adequate to ensure public safety.
   (J)   No printed material, video, photograph, written text, live show or other visual presentation format shall be visible from outside the walls of the establishment, nor shall any live or recorded voices, music or sounds be heard from outside the walls of the establishment.
   (K)   No off-site signs advertising a sexually oriented business shall be allowed within 1,000 feet of a church, school or residence.
(Ord. passed 2-20-2012; Ord. passed 3-17-2014; Ord. passed - -2022)