The following certificates shall be included on the final plat.
   (A)   Certificate of ownership (for use with minor subdivision plats only).
   I (We) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property described hereon, which property is within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction of the Town of Spindale, and that I (we) freely adopt this plan of subdivision. I (We) further certify that the residual tract on this plan cannot be further subdivided using the minor subdivision plat approval process within two years of the date of recordation.
__________      __________
Owner         Date
__________      __________
Owner         Date
   (B)   Certificate of minor subdivision plat approval.
   I hereby certify that the minor subdivision shown on this plat does not involve the creation of new public streets or any change in existing public streets, that the subdivision shown is in all respects in compliance with the Spindale Subdivision Ordinance, and that therefore this plat has been approved by the Subdivision Administrator, subject to its being recorded in Office of the Rutherford County Register of Deeds within thirty (30) days of the date below.
______________________      __________
Subdivision Administrator      Date
   (C)   Certificate of ownership and dedication (for use with major subdivision plats only).
   I [We] hereby certify that I am (we are] the owner(s) of the property described hereon, which property is located within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction of the Town of Spindale, that I (We) hereby freely adopt this plan of subdivision and dedicate to public use all areas shown on this plat as streets, alleys, walks, parks, open space, and easements, except those specifically indicated as private, and that I (we) will maintain all such areas until the offer of dedication is accepted by the appropriate public authority. All property shown on this plat as dedicated for a public use shall be deemed to be dedicated for any other public use authorized by law when such other use is approved by the Spindale Board of Commissioners in the public interest.
__________      __________
Owner         Date
__________      __________
Notarized      Date
   (D)   Certificate of preliminary plat approval.
   I hereby certify that the Spindale Board of Commissioners approved on the_______ day of _______ the preliminary plat of subdivision as shown on this plat. Preliminary plat approval is valid for a period of 12 months from the above date or as established under an approved development agreement, if applicable.
______________________      __________
Subdivision Administrator      Date
   (E)   Certificate of final plat approval.
   I hereby certify that the subdivision depicted hereon has been granted final plat approval pursuant to the Town of Spindale Subdivision Ordinance subject to its being recorded in the Office of Rutherford County Register of Deeds within thirty (30) days of the date below.
______________________      __________
Subdivision Administrator      Date
   (F)   Certificate of approval of required improvements.
   I hereby certify that streets, utilities and other improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and according to the town specifications in the subdivision depicted hereon or that a performance bond or other sufficient surety in the amount of $______ has been posted in the form of ______, Reference Number ________ with the Town of Spindale to assure completion of required improvements.
________________________      __________
Town Public Works Director      Date
   I hereby certify that a guarantee in-lieu of the installation of the required improvements in an amount or manner satisfactory to the Town of Spindale has been received.
__________      __________
Town Clerk      Date
   (G)   Certificate of survey and accuracy.
   I, ___________, certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey made under my supervision (deed description recorded in Book _____, page _____ , etc.) (other); that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly indicated as drawn from information found in Book _____, page _____; that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1:___; that this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. § 47-30 as amended. Witness my original signature, registration number and seal this day of _________ , A.D., _______.
Seal or Stamp of Surveyor
Registration Number
   (H)   NCDOT District Engineer certificate.
   I hereby certify that the streets as depicted hereon are/are not consistent with the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
_______________      __________
District Engineer      Date
   (I)   Private streets disclosure statement. The following statement shall be placed on all subdivision plats which include private streets:
      “The maintenance of streets designated on this plat as “private” shall be the responsibility of property owners within this development having access to such streets. Private streets as shown hereon were not evaluated or constructed to the minimum standards required to allow their inclusion, for maintenance purposes, on the North Carolina roadway system nor for maintenance by the Town of Spindale. Neither the Town of Spindale nor the North Carolina Department of Transportation will maintain a private street.”
   (J)   Certificate of purpose of plat. The final plat shall contain one of the following statements, signed and sealed by the surveyor pursuant to G.S. § 47-30, as amended:
   (a)   This survey creates a subdivision of land within the area of a county or municipality that has an ordinance that regulates parcels of land;
   (b)   This survey is located in a portion of a county or municipality that is unregulated as to an ordinance that regulates parcels of land;
   (c)   Any one of the following:
      1.   This survey is of an existing parcel or parcels of land and does not create a new street or change an existing street;
      2.   This survey is of an existing building or other structure, or natural feature, such as a watercourse; or
      3.   This survey is a control survey.
   (d)   This survey is of another category, such as the recombination of existing parcels, a court-ordered survey, or other exception to the definition of subdivision; or
   (e)   The information available to the surveyor is such that the surveyor is unable to make a determination to the best of the surveyor’s professional ability as to provisions contained in (a) through (d) above.
Signed:___________   Seal
Date: ___________
   (L)   Certificate of exemption. Plats deemed to be an exception to the provisions of this chapter shall contain the following statement prior to the owner’s recording of such plats:
I (We) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon, which was conveyed to me (us) by deed recorded in Book ______, Page _____, and that said property qualifies as an exception to the provisions of the Town of Spindale Subdivision Ordinance.
__________      __________
Owner         Date
__________      __________
Owner         Date
__________      __________
Notarized      Date
(Ord. passed - -)