The minor subdivision review process is required for those divisions of land into five or fewer lots which do not require the dedication of public streets, public utilities, or any other easement or conveyance of land to the town; and do not require modification or variance to any town development regulations.
   (A)   The applicant for minor subdivision plat approval shall submit to the Subdivision Administrator a plat prepared in accordance with G.S. § 47-30 that will be acceptable to the office of Rutherford County Register of Deeds for recording purposes. When more than one sheet is required to include the entire subdivision, all sheets shall be made of the same size and shall show appropriate match lines on each sheet and appropriate references to other sheets of the subdivision. The scale of the plat shall be at one inch equals not more than 50 feet (one inch = 50 feet). The applicant shall submit three copies of the plat as well as the required application form and fee for minor subdivision plat review at the time of submission.
   (B)   The minor subdivision plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor licensed to practice in the state and shall contain the following information:
      (1)   All of the additional information required by G.S. § 47-30;
      (2)   The name of the subdivision, which shall not duplicate the name of any existing subdivision as recorded in the Rutherford County Registry;
      (3)   The name of the subdivision owner or owners;
      (4)   The township, county and state where the subdivision is located;
      (5)   The name of the surveyor and his or her registration number and the date of survey;
      (6)   The scale according to which the plat is drawn in feet per inch or scale ratio in words or figures and bar graph;
      (7)   All of the applicable certificates required in § 154.027;
      (8)   Total acreage including gross and net usable acreage;
      (9)   Lot lines, lot and block numbers, and dimensions;
      (10)   Names of adjoining property owners or subdivisions;
      (11)   The zoning classification of die tract to be subdivided and of adjoining property;
      (12)   The location, width, grade and purpose of any proposed or existing rights-of-way, utility or other easement; and
      (13)   The location, width, grade and name of proposed or existing street and alley, including those on adjoining property.
   (C)   The Subdivision Administrator shall review the application for minor subdivision plat approval. A decision shall be rendered within ten working days after receipt of a complete application for the proposed minor subdivision plat. If no decision is rendered within the required ten-day period, the applicant may appeal to the Board of Commissioners for review of the application under the major subdivision approval procedures in § 154.025. Either the Subdivision Administrator or the applicant may at any time refer the application to major subdivision review.
   (D)   If the subdivision contains an errors or deficiencies, the Subdivision Administrator shall furnish the applicant with a written statement of the reasons for disapproval. If a minor subdivision plat is disapproved by the Subdivision Administrator, the applicant may appeal the decision by requesting that the plat be scheduled for review by the Planning Board according to the same review and approval procedures set forth in § 154.025 for major subdivision preliminary plats. Appeals shall be filed within 30 calendar days of the date of the decision that the Subdivision Administrator disapproves the plat.
   (E)   Approval of any plat is contingent upon the plat being recorded within 30 calendar days after the date the certificate of approval is signed by the Subdivision Administrator or his or her designee. Failure to record the approved plat within the specified 30-day period shall render the plat null and void.
(Ord. passed - -)