The powers of the Animal Control Officer shall be:
   (A)   Take up and deliver any animal at large in violation of this chapter to the animal shelter;
   (B)   Issue all appropriate permits, citations and notices required for the enforcement of this chapter;
   (C)   Determining an animal be declared vicious, dangerous and/or potentially dangerous animal if the Animal Control Officer determines that the animal so qualifies. Upon a declaration determination of an animal to be vicious, dangerous, potentially dangerous, the Animal Control Officer shall notify the owner of the animal in writing, giving the reasons for the declaration. The owner may appeal the declaration of the Animal Control Officer to the Chief of Police by filing written objections as set forth in this chapter;
   (D)   Organize and carry out canvasses of the town, including homes and any businesses; and ensuring that the provision of this chapter and state law related to animal control are adhered to;
   (E)   Investigate complaints of town residents with regard to animals;
   (F)   Protect animals from neglect and/or abuse;
   (G)   Enforce state laws and town ordinances pertaining to animals;
   (H)   Investigate all reported animal bites or other exposures to suspected rabid animals and submit reports to the county’s Health Director;
   (I)   Should any alleged offense under this chapter take place outside the presence of a sworn law enforcement officer, the victim or reporting person may be subpoenaed to court to testify to the facts of the incident. Subsequent testimony shall be used to determine if any of the criteria of the ordinance was met and whether any criminal charges will be filed; and
   (J)   Deadly force is authorized upon any animal if any and all other means to capture the animal have been exhausted or the Animal Control Officer, or any sworn law enforcement officer, deems there are no other means to capture the animal in a safe manner without possible injury to an officer or any other person or animal.
(Prior Code, § 91.27) (Ord. passed - -)