(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain a dog house or dog lot in which dogs shall be kept within the town within less than 50 feet of the residence of any other person or within less than ten feet of the property line of any other person.
   (B)   Every person owning or having possession, charge, care, custody or control of any dog shall keep such animal exclusively upon the owner’s real property. However, such animal may be off the owner’s real property if it is under the physical control of a person and physically restrained by a chain, leash or harness and held in the hand of said person. A dog is not considered restrained if it is on a chain, leash or harness, but not under the control of the owner or caregiver. Exceptions to this section are as follows:
      (1)   Service animals trained to provide assistance to persons impaired in sight, hearing, mobility or any other impairment, do not have to be under physical restraint while off the owner’s premises if the dog is under the impaired person’s direct control and is obedient to that person’s commands. The Animal Control Officer or any sworn police officer may request proof of assistance animal registration to satisfy this exception; or
      (2)   A working police dog in the course and scope of its duties.
   (C)   Acceptable methods of restraint on the owner’s property shall include secure fencing, invisible fencing and tethering. If a dog is kept on the premises by a secure fence, the secure fence must be adequate enough to contain the animal. If such fence is an effective, working invisible fence, then there must be a visible, permanent sign on the premises stating that there is an invisible fence. Tethering may be used for the purpose of exercise and relieving bodily functions. However, the use of tethering for the primary or permanent method of restraint is prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 91.23) (Ord. passed 5-30-1961; Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 91.99