(A)   The town may, at its discretion, allow industrial waste which exceeds the limitation of § 51.017 of this chapter to be discharged into the public sewer system; however, the person discharging such waste shall agree to the payment for all cost incurred by the town in treating wastes having a BOD in excess of 300 mg/l. This surcharge shall be imposed as provided herein, in addition to any other charges made for sewer service, and shall include:
      (1)   Fixed charges and amortization costs of additional plant capacity required for treating the industrial wastes; and
      (2)   Charges covering the cost of waste treatment at the municipal sewage treatment plant.
   (B)   A surcharge in dollars per 1,000 pounds of BOD5, dollars per 1,000 pounds of TSS and dollars per 1,000 pounds of NH3 shall be made to cover the fixed charges and amortization cost of additional plant capacity, as hereinbefore described. The surcharge amount shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners
   (C)   The surcharge covering the cost of treatment of excessive industrial wastes shall be arrived at in the following manner.
      (1)   The town shall fix the rate to be charged under division (A) above during the new fiscal year, at the beginning of that fiscal year, for the weight of BOD5, TSS and/or NH3 in excess of the concentration stipulated in § 51.017 of this chapter which is discharged into the town’s public sewers. This rate shall be computed from actual costs per 1,000 pounds of BOD5, TSS and/or NH3 removed from the combined domestic and industrial wastes as experienced at the municipal sewage treatment plant during the preceding fiscal year.
      (2)   The rate shall be applied to the amount of excessive BOD5, TSS and/or NH3 as determined by averaging at least three waste discharge samples composited from the observation manhole at point of discharge and in accordance with the provisions of § 51.054 of this chapter.
   (D)   (1)   The combined surcharge as set forth herein shall be billed monthly and payable monthly on a separate bill rendered to the proper person by the town.
      (2)   Failure to pay the bill within ten days shall cause the bill to become delinquent.
      (3)   After five days of delinquency, the town shall sever the connection and the water connection serving the premises and such connections will not again be reinstated until the bill is paid.
(Ord. passed 1-21-2008)