(A)   All original applications for licenses, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall be made to the Fiscal Officer or other authorized official in writing upon forms to be furnished by him or her and shall contain:
      (1)   The applicant’s full name, address, and telephone number, and the full name of each officer, partner or business associate, if applicable;
      (2)   His or her present occupation and principal place of business;
      (3)   His or her place of residence for the preceding five years;
      (4)   The nature and location of the intended business or enterprise;
      (5)   The period of time for which the license is desired;
      (6)   A description of the merchandise, goods or services to be sold;
      (7)   If a motor vehicle is to be used, a full description of such motor vehicle, including the make, model, year, color, license number, and vehicle registration (VIN) number of such vehicle.
      (8)   Such other information concerning the applicant and his or her business as may be reasonable and proper, having regard to the nature of the license desired.
   (B)   Any change in the information required by division (A) of this section must be reported to the Fiscal Officer or other authorized official within 14 days of such change.
   (C)   Renewal of an annual license may be granted to a licensee in good standing on the basis of the original application, unless otherwise provided. However, if a request for renewal is not submitted to the Fiscal Officer or other authorized official within 21 days after the date of expiration for the preceding license, the applicant must fill out an original application.
   (D)   With each original or renewal application, the applicant shall deposit the fee required for the license requested.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful to knowingly make any false statement or representation in the license application.
Penalty, see § 110.99