(A)   Fees. The following services will be provided at the fee set forth opposite the service:
      (1)   Meter test at current cost;
      (2)   Turn-on after hours as per current ordinance;
      (3)   Turn-off after hours as per current ordinance; and
      (4)   There shall be no fee for turn-off and turn-on due to an emergency.
   (B) Village meter key. Plumbers may use the village meter key for residential meter access if provisions are made with the Village Administrator.
   (C)   Village curb stop wrench. Plumbers may use the village curb stop wrench for residential shut-off if provisions are made with the Village Administrator.
   (D)   Master shut-off valve required. Each structure that is served by the village’s water system, within the corporation limits, shall have a master shut-off valve as soon as the water line enters the structure. The purpose of this valve is to shut-off all of the water within the structure. In the event that a customer requests to have the water shut off for maintenance purposes by the village, it shall be required that a master shut-off valve be installed and an authorized village employee shall inspect such installation, prior to reconnecting the water service.
   (E)   Swimming pools. Each water/wastewater service account of the village may apply for and be granted a once per calendar year wastewater charge credit when filling an outdoor swimming pool of 3,000 gallons or more, however the following conditions must be met.
      (1)   The person whose name appears on the water/wastewater service account (account holder) must appear in person at the utilities office and fill out a swimming pool fill form containing: name, address, location of pool, size of pool, and account number; and thus formally request a wastewater charge credit related to the filling of their swimming pool. Incomplete forms will be rejected by the village. Falsification of data shall be punishable as per § 51.99.
      (2)   The account holder must state in writing the approximate dimensions of the pool to be filled. Length and width, or diameter, and approximate depth of the swimming pool shall be recorded. The account holder must then sign their name along with the date of said request on the swimming pool fill form.
      (3)   A water meter will then be furnished by the village to the account holder to connect to their outside faucet to record the amount of water actually used to fill their swimming pool.
      (4)   Upon return of the meter, in good condition, to the utilities office, the amount of water, to the nearest 1,000 gallons, used to fill the swimming pool, will be recorded and a wastewater charge credit for that amount of water used only, will be posted to their water/wastewater service account.
      (5)   The village shall not be responsible for delays in the filling of pools due to failure of persons to return meters to the village in a timely manner.
      (6)   Failure to return a meter supplied by the village, within seven days of being furnished one for purposes of determining the amount of water actually used to fill a swimming pool, shall be considered just cause for termination of water service at the address given on the swimming pool fill form, until such time as the meter is returned in good condition to the village.
      (7)   Any indoor pool greater than 3,000 gallons, in existence at the time of initial passage of this chapter, shall also qualify for a once per calendar year wastewater charge credit, as per the above. Any indoor pool built after passage of this chapter shall not qualify for a wastewater charge credit.
      (8)   Only one wastewater charge credit per pool may be requested and granted per calendar year.
   (F)   Sewer deduct meter for outside water usage. The village will offer the option of a sewer-deduct meter to homeowners who wish to have their outside water usage (watering lawns and gardens, filling pools, washing vehicles, and the like) monitored for the sole purpose of receiving a sewer credit for that usage. The homeowner will need to follow these procedures.
      (1)   Homeowners wishing to participate in the sewer-deduct meter program shall fill out an application at the Water Department. The Village Administrator will review the application and upon his or her approval, the homeowner shall purchase a touch-read meter from the village at the current cost. The village will issue an invoice to the homeowner and payment shall be made to the “Village of Spencerville”, before the meter will be issued.
      (2)   The homeowner will then have the meter installed in their house. (It is recommended that a licensed plumbing contractor install the meter and touchpad.) The meter is to be installed on a water line that goes to outside water use only. The touchpad for the meter shall be installed on the outside of the house at a height of five feet from ground level and a wire will run from the meter to the touchpad. The installation of the meter, touchpad, and wire is the sole responsibility of the homeowner. Any damage that may occur to any of this equipment at any time will be the homeowner’s responsibility to repair and/or replace. If the meter needs to be replaced, the new meter would be purchased from the village and it will be the homeowner’s responsibility to fill out the paperwork that would provide the village with the new meter information along with the old meter information. Any replacement meters will need to go through the inspection process.
      (3)   Once the meter, touchpad, and wire are installed, the homeowner will contact the village so that the Village Administrator and/or an authorized village employee can conduct an inspection. This meter will not be read until the installation is approved. Once it is approved, the meter will be read on the same schedule as all other meters are read. If the owner requests that the sewer-deduct meter be re-read, the policy and fees for rereading meters would apply as per the current water rates ordinance. The village reserves the right to inspect the meter at anytime.
      (4)   Upon approval, the customer will receive a secondary account for that address. This account will keep track of the outside water usage and will then make the proper sewer credits to the customer’s main account. The computer will only print one bill and the sewer credit will be included on the total cost of the wastewater (not to go below the minimum base rate for sewer).
      (5)   Anyone that violates division (D) above is subject to loss of privileges of the sewer-deduct meter and penalties as explained in § 51.99.
(Ord. 24-05, passed 3-4-2024) Penalty, see § 51.99