(A) Connections for commercial or industrial establishments. The installation of fire protection service connections to supply water to standpipes and sprinkler systems for fire protection water shall only be permitted when applications and plans for such service have been submitted and approved by the village.
(B) Fire line connections. All fire line connections to water mains for industrial, commercial, residential, or educational establishments for fire protection services shall comply with this division (B).
(1) Propylene glycol sprinkler system. On such systems (non-potable fluids), Watts Series 909 Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventor or equal will be installed.
(2) Direct connection; dry or wet systems. On system types with a low potential of contamination, a Watts Series 709 DDC Double Detector Check Valve Assembly or equal will be installed.
(3) Bypass valve. All installations shall be valved with a bypass for the removal of the Watts unit (or its equivalent) for maintenance. All installations shall be inside and above the floor. The cost of all apparatus and installation is to be paid for by the owner or contractor.
(4) System capacity fee. A flat fee of $100 per inch of diameter (inside rate) will be charged for a fire line connection to the water distribution system. The cost of the tap and all piping is the owner’s responsibility and is to be installed to the village’s specifications. Any connections outside the corporation limit shall be at double the inside rate.
(5) Fire line metering. Meter devices, such as detector type meters, shall not be required for any fire line connections used for fire protection service.
(C) Other uses prohibited. Lines used for fire protection must not be tapped or used for any other purpose than fire protection.
(D) Use of fire hydrants. Fire hydrants are intended primarily for the use of the Fire Department. Permits for their use for other purposes are given only in cases where such use cannot be avoided.
(E) Persons authorized to operate fire hydrants. No person except an authorized employee of the Village Utilities Department or a member of the Fire Department, shall open, operate, or remove the nozzle cap from any fire hydrant to which water is supplied in whole or in part by the village.
(F) Permits for use of fire hydrants. At the discretion of the Village Administrator, a special permit may be issued for the use of a fire hydrant. The fee for this permit shall be per current ordinance and shall be valid for 90 days from the date approved by the Village Administrator. A permit holder shall estimate and record the amount of water used each day. This record shall be turned in to the utilities office on a weekly basis. Failure to record daily amounts of water used and submit logs on a weekly basis shall be considered just cause for immediate revocation of the permit. A village employee shall be present each time the permit holder uses the fire hydrant to obtain water. Charges for water used will be based on the rates established by current ordinance.
(G) Connections used on fire hydrants. Fire hydrants used for construction purposes must have a reducing coupling and union attached to the nozzle of the hydrant with an independent valve for regulation of the supply. The main valve of the fire hydrant must be fully opened at the beginning of work each day and remain open until stoppage of work for the day. The water supply shall be regulated by the independent valve. At the close of each day’s work, these connections shall be disconnected or at any other time when required by the Fire Department. The fire hydrant shall be operated only by a spanner wrench to be supplied by the village. Any damage to a hydrant occasioned by any act of the user or due to freezing will be repaired by the village at the expense of the user.
(Ord. 24-05, passed 3-4-2024) Penalty, see § 51.99