(A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to establish a fee schedule for all departments to utilize in determining costs for various activities, primarily related to public records requests, but also includes fees associated with the day-to-day operations of all village departments.
   (B)   The fees included herein are subject to change without notice; however, Village Administration will make efforts to advertise any changes on the village’s website at www.spencervilleoh.com and through The Journal News, a local weekly publication.
   (C)   (1)   All fees shall be paid in full at the time of their request or application submission. No documents shall be released until payment in full has been received. Payment shall be made by one of the following methods:
         (a)   Personal or certified check;
         (b)   Money order; or
         (c)   Cash.
      (2)   Checks and money orders shall be made payable to the village. If a person wishes to mail payment to the village, he or she may do so to the following address: Village of Spencerville, Attn: Village Fiscal Officer, 116 S. Broadway Street, Spencerville, OH 45887.
   (D)   Once payment is received, the requested documents shall be released. A village representative will then provide the person making the request with a receipt for the appropriate amount. If a person wishes to have the requested documents mailed to him or her, that person shall be responsible for the actual cost of postage required to mail said documents. The person shall also provide the village with the proper mailing address and contact name and telephone number. The actual cost of postage can be lumped into the actual cost associated with the records request, thus resulting in one payment to the village.
   (E)   Listed in this subchapter are various items that the village has determined should have fees associated with them. Each item also includes its associated cost. All charges are broken down by department. Said charges are set by adoption of the accompanying ordinance and can only be modified or negotiated by Village Council approval; all fees are non-refundable, unless otherwise approved by Village Council.
   (F)   Where any fee references the term “as per current ordinance,” the latest ordinance number may be included in parentheses. In some cases, actual fees from that ordinance will be displayed. However, it may not be possible to list all fees associated with that particular ordinance, in which case, one will need to review the ordinance in its entirety to obtain actual fee(s) associated with his or her inquiry.
   (G)   All rates can be found in the current fee schedule.
(Ord. 23-14, passed 4-17-2023; Ord. 24-04, passed 2-19-2024)