(A)   The term of each member of the Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund Board is one year and begins on January 1.
   (B)   Election of Board members provided for in § 35.32(A)(1) and (B)(1) shall be held each year no earlier than November 1 and no later than the second Monday in December, and the election of the Board members provided for in § 35.32(A)(3) and (B)(3) shall be held each year on or before December 31.
   (C)   The Board members provided for in § 35.32(A)(2) and (B)(2) shall be elected on or before the second Monday in December, as follows:
      (1)   The Secretary of the Board shall give notice of the election by posting it in a conspicuous place at the headquarters of the Fire Department or fire company and at the house of each company composing the Fire Department. Between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on the day designated, each member of the Department or company shall send in writing the name of two persons, members of the Department or company, who are the member’s choices.
      (2)   All votes cast at the election shall be counted and recorded by the Board which shall announce the result. The two members receiving the highest number of votes are elected. If any two persons receive a tie vote, it shall be decided by lot or in any other way agreed upon by the persons for whom the tie vote was cast.
(R.C. § 146.04)