(A) Due to the inability of the village to persuade members of the public to voluntarily participate as members of the Village Board of Zoning Appeals and due to the fact that the Board of Zoning Appeals meets on an infrequent basis, it is unfeasible for the village to maintain a separate Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals and, as a matter of necessity, it has been determined that the Village Planning Commission and the Village Board of Zoning Appeals should be merged as allowed by R.C. § 713.11 to allow the members to act in a dual capacity.
(B) The current members of the Village Planning Commission are hereby appointed as members of the Village Board of Zoning Appeals. The Mayor shall also act as Chair of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Heretofore, the term of each member of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall run concurrently with their terms as members of the Village Planning Commission.
(Ord. 09-29, passed 6-15-2009)