(A) Where not otherwise indicated by this chapter, all vehicles shall park parallel to the curb and not more than 12 inches therefrom.
(`94 Code, § 15-70)
(B) In no case shall a vehicle remain backed up to the curb, except when actually loading or unloading.
(`94 Code, § 15-71)
(C) No vehicle shall stop with its left side to the curb in the business district, except that on one- way streets, vehicles shall stop headed in the direction of traffic.
(`94 Code, § 15-72)
(D) On any street which is marked off with lines indicating the parking spaces for cars, the same shall be parked between the lines.
(`94 Code, § 15-73)
(E) Parked cars shall move out in the direction headed, or if they are parked at an angle with the curb, they shall back out at that angle until they have cleared the other cars and shall then proceed in the direction in which they are most nearly headed.
(`94 Code, § 15-75) Penalty, see § 10.99