(A) Individual homeowners.
(1) Any person placing any limbs or refuse from vacant lots on the street right-of- way shall be in violation of this chapter and shall be issued a civil penalty of $100.
(`94 Code, § 9-157)
(2) Any person possessing a commercial dumpster on their premises within any residential district without permit shall be notified by personal service or first class mail of the violation, and be instructed to obtain a permit or remove the dumpster within 48 hours from the personal delivery of said notice or five days from the mailing of said notice to the owner or operator. Failure to comply shall result in the property owner being issued a civil penalty of $100. Each tenth day following this citation in which the violation remains shall result in a separate and additional civil penalty of $200.
(Ord. 00-02, passed 6-13-00)
(3) Residents or businesses who place or leave their garbage containers on the street in violation of this policy shall receive a warning for the first offense. Second or future violations will result in a $100 civil citation. Appeals can be made to the Land Management Director.
(B) Contractors and responsible parties.
(1) Any contractor who places limbs or other refuse on or near the street right-of- way shall be in violation of this chapter and shall be issued a civil penalty of $500. Every day after 14 days from the date the citation was issued shall constitute a separate violation of this section and additional $500 civil penalty.
(`94 Code, § 9-157)
(2) Any contractor or responsible party not having adequate means to dispose daily of construction debris, and engaging in new construction without an on-site dumpster shall be notified by personal delivery of notice or first class mail of the violation, and be instructed to obtain a permit and provide a dumpster. Failure to comply within 48 hours from the personal delivery of said notice or five days from the mailing of said notice to the owner, contractor or operator shall result in the contractor or responsible party being issued a civil penalty of $200. Each fifth day thereafter in which the violation remains shall result in a separate and additional $400 civil penalty.
(Ord. 00-02, passed 6-13-00; Am. Ord. 13-03, passed 9-10-13; Am. Ord. 16-08, passed 8-9-16; Am. Ord. 16-09, passed 10-11-16)