(A) Development, except for single-family, nonmanufactured residential development, must be approved by the Project Review Committee prior to the start of construction. Approval of a required plan by the Project Review Committee shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of a zoning permit.
(B) The Project Review Committee shall review all applications for conditional use permits, zoning permits, special use permits, temporary use permits, and building permits to determine whether or not the proposed development meets the standards established in this chapter and all other applicable regulations within the town and, where applicable, to provide recommendations to the Board of Adjustment (conditional use permits, variances, etc.) and the Planning Board and Board of Aldermen (special use zoning districts). This review shall be of a technical nature only, and shall not involve negotiation with developers or the exercise of discretionary authority.
(C) (1) The owner or developer of the property designated in the application shall submit the application to the Zoning Enforcement Officer for project review. The application shall include all data required by this chapter.
(2) Three copies of all required plans, drawings and specifications shall be filed at the time of application. After review by the Project Review Committee, one copy shall be attached to the building permit and kept on file in the Town Hall, one copy shall be returned to the developer for his or her records, and one copy shall be kept by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(3) After receipt of the application by the Zoning Enforcement Officer, a meeting of the Project Review Committee shall be called by the Chairman to review the project. Meetings of the committee shall be held at the call of the chairman. The developer may request a preliminary staff review prior to formal review. The Town Planner or Town Manager may conduct the staff review. All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public. At the hearing, any party may appeal in person or by agent.
(4) (a) The Project Review Committee shall have up to 30 days from the date a complete application was submitted to make a recommendation to the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment. If the Project Review Committee fails to make a recommendation during said time period, the application shall be forwarded to the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment without a recommendation.
(b) The Project Review Committee shall otherwise have 45 days from submittal of a complete application to render a decision on all other matters that come before it. If the Project Review Committee does not make a decision within such time period, the application shall be deemed approved. If the Project Review Committee finds that such proposed project does not meet all of the standards of this chapter, a copy of the application, with deficiencies noted, shall be returned to the developer for modification and resubmittal.
(5) In the event of failure to comply with the plans approved by the Project Review Committee, any permit issued for that project shall immediately become void. No building permits for further construction or certificates of occupancy shall be issued until such a time as the owner or developer meets with the Project Review Committee and presents plans and specifications to correct project deficiencies.
(6) An application fee of $100 shall be paid to the town for each application to the Project Review Committee to help cover the necessary administrative costs.
(`94 Code, App. C, Art. III, § 13) (Am. Ord. 01-19, passed 11-13-01; Am. Ord. 05-05, passed 10-11-05)