(A)   All petitions for general use rezoning of any parcel or tract within the town limits and zoning jurisdiction of the town by any person or group other than the Town Board shall be filed with the Town Planner 20 days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which the petition is to be considered. The petition shall include:
      (1)   The current zoning classification of the tract;
      (2)   The requested zoning classification of the tract;
      (3)   The current zoning classification of all contiguous parcels of land;
      (4)   The names of the property owners of all contiguous tracts;
      (5)   The names of the property owners of the tract to be rezoned;
      (6)   The location of the tract to be rezoned; and
      (7)   A map showing the tract to be rezoned and all contiguous tracts and streets.
   (B)   The Town Board may rezone any parcel or tract of land from one use district to any other use district as described within this chapter after declaring its intent to do so and following all regulations regarding public notice and hearing.
(`94 Code, App. C, Art. X, § 2)