To insure safe sight distances where streets intersect and where driveways intersect streets a minimum clear vision area shall be provided. On a corner lot in residential and/or business districts, there shall be no obstruction to vision by structures, grade or foliage other than power or utility poles between a height of three feet and a height of ten feet, measured above the average elevation of the existing surface of each street at the centerlines thereof.
(`94 Code, App. C, Art. VI, § 6)
(A) On any residential lot, accessory and temporary buildings shall not be located in any required front or side yard, shall not cover more than 30% of any required rear yard and shall be at least 5 feet from any other building on the same 20 feet from any buildings used for human habitation on adjoining lots. Any part of the building, including the footings and roof overhang, shall be a minimum of 5 feet from any lot line. Accessory buildings shall be allowed in side yards by variance.
(B) Detached accessory or temporary buildings or structures designed or used for human habitation as permitted by this chapter shall be located no closer than 30 feet to any other building or structure on the subject property and on adjoining lots, and shall meet the side yard requirements for the district in which they are located.
(`94 Code, App. C, Art. VI, § 7) (Am. Ord. 03-14, passed 10-14-03; Am. Ord. 06-02, passed 4-11-06)
Private swimming pools shall not be located in any front or side yard and shall not be less than 10 feet from any lot line. Access to private swimming pools shall be limited by fencing, walling or another appropriate safety barrier.
(Ord. 99-14, passed 6-8-99) Penalty, see § 155.999
(A) In any district in which residences are a permitted use, where a lot has an area or width of less than the required area or width and was a lot of record on or before the effective date of this chapter, the lot may be occupied by a single-family dwelling, provided that the minimum front, rear and side yard requirements for the district in which it is located are met and further provided that the requirements of § 155.058 are followed. This provision shall not apply to any lot to which the provisions of § 155.049 apply.
(B) In all other districts where a lot has an area or width of less than the required area or width and was a lot of record on or before the effective date of this chapter, the lot may be occupied by a permitted use, provided that all other requirements of the district are met and further provided that the requirements of § 155.058 are followed. This provision shall not apply to any lot to which the provisions of § 155.049 apply.
(`94 Code, App. C, Art. VI, § 8)