(A) The location and width of all proposed streets shall be in conformity with official plans or maps of the town and with existing or amended plans of the Planning Board.
(B) The proposed street layout shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area and, where possible, existing principal streets shall be extended.
(C) Where, in the opinion of the Planning Board, it is desirable to provide for street access to an adjoining property, proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundary of the property and a temporary turnaround (cul-de-sac) shall be provided.
(D) There shall be no private streets or reserve strips platted in any subdivision.
(E) Where land is subdivided into larger parcels than ordinary building lots, the parcels shall be so arranged as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further resubdivision.
(F) Double-frontage lots shall be avoided. Single-tier lots of greater than minimum depth should be provided along thoroughfares or major streets, railroads, physical barriers and nonresidential uses.
(G) If, in the opinion of the Planning Board or Town Board, the topography or drainage characteristics of the tract of land to be subdivided warrant special consideration, the subdivider shall submit, upon request, a contour map of a specified interval.
(H) Proposed streets, which are obviously in alignment with others existing and named, shall bear the assigned name of the existing streets. In no case shall the name for proposed streets duplicate or be phonetically similar to existing street names, irrespective of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place, court and the like.
(I) All watercourses not situated within street rights-of-way but which provide drainage for public streets shall be designated and improved in one of the following ways:
(1) Wherever the storm drainage is to be conducted in an enclosed subsurface drain, the pipe size, location and grade shall be as approved by the town and an easement of approved width shall be clearly shown and located on the plat. The easement shall be kept free and clear of any buildings or other improvements which would interfere with the proper maintenance of the underground pipes.
(2) Wherever a watercourse is too large to be accommodated in subsurface drains, a dedication of land to public use for storm drainage and park purposes shall be made except where an easement may be allowed as specified below. For any area so dedicated to public use, at least 40% of its total perimeter shall abut one or more public streets and the average width of the area shall be at least 200 feet.
(3) In those situations where a watercourse cannot be accommodated in an area dedicated to public use for storm drainage, a drainage easement on private property having a minimum width of 100 feet or wider as required by the town, unless channel improvements of a permanent nature will allow a lesser width, may be permitted upon specific approval of the Planning Board.
(J) In subdividing property due consideration shall be shown by the subdivider for public needs by the provision of lands for parks, schools and other public uses.
(1) Where a school site may be required according to plans for the development of an adequate school system, a reservation of land for this purpose shall be shown on the preliminary plat, and the subdivider shall make the school site available for acquisition by the appropriate school board for a period of at least three years after the date of preliminary approval.
(2) It is hereby determined that at least 10% of the area of a subdivision is necessary and appropriate to meet the needs of the subdivision for park and recreation uses, exclusive of property required primarily for storm drainage purposes and provided that the park’s land shall be established within the limits of good design. Wherever land is subdivided and sufficient appropriate and adequate space to meet the needs of the particular subdivision for park and recreation purposes is made an integral part of the design, the town will consider a proposal to reimburse the subdivider for the park land in an amount not to exceed the raw land value, as established by competent appraisal.
(3) Wherever park land is shown as a part of a subdivision, it shall conform to the following:
(a) All land proposed for purchase as park sites shall be shown on the preliminary plat and be subject to the approval of the Planning Board prior to submission to the Town Board.
(b) Land dedicated for park purposes may be contiguous with an area used primarily for drainage. However, park lands must be separate and apart from floodplains, drainage and other easements. Consideration should be given to park lands adjacent to proposed school sites. A fee simple deed granting to the town the area on the plat dedicated for parks shall accompany all final plats, provided that in the event the plat is not approved by the Town Board the deeds shall be deemed to be not accepted by the town, and shall be returned to the grantor or grantors.
(K) The design standards which shall apply to streets and alleys are as follows:
(1) Minimum street right-of-way widths shall be as shown on the major street plan and shall be not less than the following:
(a) For major streets and thoroughfares, 80 feet;
(b) For collector streets, 60 feet;
(c) For minor (residential) streets, 50 feet;
(d) For marginal access streets, 50 feet;
(e) For culs-de-sac, 50 feet; and
(f) For all streets located beyond the corporate limits of the town and within one mile thereof, 60 feet.
(2) Pavement widths from back to back of curb shall be not less than the following:
(a) For major streets and highways, 54 feet;
(b) For collector streets, 37 feet;
(c) For minor (residential) streets, 27 feet;
(d) For marginal access streets, 27 feet; and
(e) For culs-de-sac, 27 feet.
(3) Minimum road construction standards shall be as follows:
(a) Eight-inch compacted aggregate base course or four-inch bituminous concrete base course, Type HB; and
(b) Two-inch bituminous concrete surface course, Type 1 or 2, to be placed immediately upon final preparation of the base.
(4) Where a centerline deflection angle of more than 10 degrees occurs, a circular curve shall be introduced, having a centerline radius of not less than the following:
(a) For major streets, 300 feet;
(b) For collector streets, 200 feet; and
(c) For minor streets, 100 feet.
(5) All vertical curves shall have a length necessary to provide safe sight distance, and shall be approved by the town.
(6) A tangent of at least 100 feet in length shall be provided between curves on all streets.
(7) Street intersections shall be laid out as follows:
(a) Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles, and no street shall intersect at less than 60 degrees.
(b) Intersections with a major street or highway shall be at least 800 feet apart measured from centerline to centerline.
(c) Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a minimum radius of 20 feet.
(d) Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125 feet shall be prohibited.
(8) Permanent dead-end streets shall not exceed 600 feet in length, and shall be provided with a turnaround having a roadway radius of at least 45 feet and a right-of-way radius of at least 50 feet. For all permanent culs-de-sac a planted median is required to be placed in the center of the cul-de-sac, not to exceed a 25-foot radius, leaving a minimum of 20 feet of road surface around the planter. Temporary dead-end streets shall be provided with a turnaround having a radius of at least one-half the right-of-way of the street. See the diagram in the appendix to this chapter.
(9) Alleys of at least 20 feet in width shall be provided to the area of all lots used for business purposes, and shall not be provided in residential blocks unless approved or required by the Town Board. All dead-end alleys shall be provided with a turnaround having a roadway diameter of at least 80 feet.
(L) The length and width of blocks within subdivisions shall be as follows:
(1) Block length shall not exceed 1,400 feet or be less than 400 feet. Where deemed necessary by the Planning Board, a pedestrian crosswalk at least 5 feet in width may be required.
(2) Blocks shall have sufficient width to allow two tiers of lots of minimum depth, except where a greater width is required to separate residential development from through vehicular traffic.
(M) All lots shall front upon a public street and the size, shape and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Residential lots shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) All lots shall have minimum area as required by § 155.054. Larger lots may be required as follows:
(a) Lots served only by a public water supply shall be not less than 15,000 square feet in area.
(b) Lots not served by a public water supply or sewer shall be not less than one acre in area.
(2) All lots shall have a minimum width as required by § 155.054. Greater lot width is required when:
(a) A lot is served by public water but not public sewer. In this case the lot width at the building line shall be not less than 75 feet.
(b) A lot is not served by either public water or public sewer. In this case the lot width at the building line shall be not less than 150 feet.
(3) All lots shall have a minimum mean depth of not less than 125 feet. Greater lot depth is required when:
(a) A lot is served by public water but not public sewer. In this case the mean lot depth shall be not less than 130 feet.
(b) A lot is not served by either public water or public sewer. In this case the mean lot depth shall be not less than 150 feet.
(4) Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
(N) The minimum setback from property lines shall adhere to the requirements as set forth in § 155.054.
(O) Utility and other easements shall be provided as follows:
(1) Utility easements centered on rear or side lot lines shall be provided where necessary and shall be at least ten feet in width.
(2) Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of the watercourse, and the further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith.
(3) Lakes, ponds, creeks, and similar areas within the town will be accepted for maintenance only if sufficient land is dedicated as a neighborhood recreation area or park, or if the area constitutes a necessary part of the drainage control system. The areas must be approved by the Planning Board before approval of the final plat.
(P) (1) In all districts a perimeter buffer zone at least 65 feet in depth in addition to the normal lot depth required shall be provided along railroads, roadways and property boundaries adjacent to developed properties. A perimeter buffer zone at least 32 feet in depth in addition to the normal lot depth required shall be provided along railroads, roadways and property boundaries adjacent to undeveloped properties. Buffer zones shall be measured from the outside boundary of any property, including property zoned for residential and nonresidential use. This buffer zone shall be part of the platted lots. In no case shall any specimen of tree of deciduous shrub be harvested, altered or otherwise removed from any required perimeter buffer zone, unless first approved by the Technical Review Committee.
(2) The requirements of this section shall not apply to normal forestry activities on property taxed under the present use value standard or conducted pursuant to a forestry management plan prepared or approved by a forester registered pursuant to G.S. § 89B-9. Notwithstanding the provisions of this division, the Technical Review Committee may deny a building permit or refuse to approve a site or subdivision plan for a period of five years if the applicant has caused perimeter buffer trees which should have been removed from the tract of land for which the permit or plan approval is sought. In the case of an applicant who bought the land from another, this denial or refusal period shall be two years of the removal of perimeter buffer trees which should have been protected.
(Q) Sewer and water utilities which do not come under the immediate supervision of the municipality shall comply with the following:
(1) For community water systems, an acknowledgment from the Director, Sanitary Engineering Division, State Board of Health to the town confirming their authorization for a community water system.
(2) For central sewerage systems, an acknowledgment from the State Stream Sanitation Committee to the town confirming their authorization for the installation of a central sewage system.
(3) For individual sewer and water systems, an acknowledgment from the health director in whose jurisdiction the subdivision falls indicating that the water supply and sewage disposal system installed or proposed for installation in the specific subdivision fully meets the requirement of the State Board of Health.
(R) Refer to §§ 155.070 et seq. for additional requirements.
(`94 Code, App. B, Art. V-A, § 6) (Am. Ord. 01-17, passed 11-13-01; Am. Ord. 01-11, passed 8-14-01)
Buffers strips, see § 155.073(B)(15)