The Board shall have and exercise the following powers and duties, to:
   (A)   Meet and elect from its members a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary;
   (B)   Have charge, control and supervision of the public library, grounds, appurtenances, fixtures and rooms containing the same;
   (C)   Direct and control all the affairs of the library;
   (D)   Employ a librarian, and to authorize the librarian to employ such assistants and employees as may be necessary for the proper management of the library, and to fix their compensation;
   (E)   Remove by a two-thirds vote of the Board, the librarian and to provide procedures for the removal of assistants or employees for misdemeanor, incompetency or inattention to duty;
   (F)   Select, or authorize the librarian to select, and make purchases of books, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, papers, maps, journals, other library materials, furniture, fixtures, stationery and supplies for the library within budgetary limits set by the Board;
   (G)   Make and adopt, amend, modify or repeal rules and regulations, not inconsistent with ordinances and the law of the state, for the care, use, government and management of the library and the business of the Board, fixing and enforcing penalties for violations;
   (H)   Have exclusive control of the expenditure of all funds allocated for library purposes by the Council, and of all monies available by gift or otherwise, and of all other monies belonging to the library including fines and rentals collected under the rules of the Board;
   (I)   Accept gifts of real property, personal property or mixed property, and devises and bequests, including trust funds; to take the title to said property in the name of the library; to execute deeds and bills of sale for the conveyance of said property, subject to the approval of the City Council and pursuant to the provisions of Iowa Code § 364.7; and to expend the funds received by them from such gifts, for the improvement of the library;
   (J)   Keep a record of its proceedings; and
   (K)   Have authority to make agreements with the local county historical associations, and to set apart the necessary room and to care for such articles as may come into the possession of the association. The Trustees are further authorized to purchase necessary receptacles and materials for the preservation and protection of such articles as are in their judgment of a historical and educational nature and pay for the same out of funds allocated for library purposes.
(Prior Code, § 2-6-3) (Ord. 20, passed 12-7-1953; Ord. 180, passed 8-18-1975)