The purpose of this section shall be to establish the minimum requirements for notice to be given with respect to procedural actions and public hearings required by the provisions of this chapter.
   (A)   Notice of a special exception, variance or administrative appeal to be acted on by the Board of Adjustment shall be given as follows:
      (1)   Notice shall be given by the city by posting at the site which is the subject of the application, continuously for at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting at which the Board of Adjustment will consider the application;
      (2)   Notice shall be given to the applicant of the time, date and place of the meeting at which the application will be considered by ordinary United States mail, deposited for mailing not less than seven days before the date of the meeting; and
      (3)   Notice shall also be given by ordinary mail to the owners of all property which share a common boundary with the tract which is the subject of the special exception, variance or administrative appeal. This notice shall be sent by the city to the owners of such adjacent property, as disclosed by the records of the county. Property separated from the subject property by streets or alleys shall not be considered adjacent properties and mailed notice to owners of such properties is not required. Notice required under this division (A)(3) shall be given by depositing the notice for mailing not less than seven days before the date of the meeting.
   (B)   Notice of a text amendment to this chapter shall be given by publication of an appropriate legal notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the community at least seven days, but not more than 20 days prior to the date of the meeting at which the text amendment will be considered.
   (C)   Notice of the consideration of an application for rezoning shall be given as follows:
      (1)   Notice shall be given to the applicant by ordinary United States mail deposited not less than seven days prior to the date for consideration of the application;
      (2)   Notice shall be given to the owner of each lot within 300 feet of the subject property by ordinary United States mail, deposited not less than seven days prior to the date of consideration; and
      (3)   Notice shall be given by publication of a legal notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the community at least seven days, but not more than 20 days prior to the date of the hearing.
   (D)   Each such notice, whether by mail, publication or posting, shall include appropriate information pertaining to the general nature of the application, identifying the applicant, the subject property, the time and place of the meeting or hearing, and the address and telephone number of the office from which additional information may be obtained.
(Prior Code, § 9-12-5) (Ord. passed 10-11-1990; Ord. 407, passed 1-20-1992; Ord. 440, passed 4-19-1993)