§ 155.260 PROCEDURE.
   (A)   Preliminary plan. 
      (1)   The approval of the planned unit development shall be by the City Council upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. A preliminary development plan shall be submitted to the Commission for its review and recommendation. The Commission shall then advise the City Council that such plans do or do not comply with the development policies of the city. A preliminary plan submitted for approval shall have Council action within 90 days after the date of submission.
      (2)   Preliminary approval by the Council shall be binding as to the general intent and apportionment of land and improvements, but shall not be construed to render inflexible the ultimate design, specific uses or final plan of the project.
   (B)   Final development plan. The applicant shall, within one year of the date of preliminary plan approval by the Council, submit a final development plan identifying the location and extent of uses and improvements as authorized in the approved preliminary plan and complying with any stipulations of the Council.
   (C)   Non-completion. Upon the written notice of abandonment or the expiration of three years from the final approval by the City Council of a planned unit development which has not by then been completed, the approval may be terminated by the Council after having given due consideration to the preservation of open space to that part of the project which has already been developed.
(Prior Code, § 9-14-6) (Ord. 135, passed 4-5-1971)