When necessary to ensure compatibility of buildings and uses with each other and with off-site properties, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the City Council may specify modification of such regulations, requirements and standards in the PURD District. Subject to the foregoing, the following minimum standards are established:
   (A)   Minimum lot area: 4,000 square feet;
   (B)   Minimum lot width: 40 feet;
   (C)   Maximum height: 45 feet;
   (D)   Front yard setback: 20 feet;
   (E)   Side yard setback: five feet;
   (F)   Rear yard setback: 15 feet;
   (G)   Maximum lot coverage: 80%;
   (H)   Accessory buildings: detached accessory buildings on a small lot size may be permitted up to two feet to the side and rear property lines, except no such building or structure, except for fences, shall be placed over any permanent easement;
   (I)   Density of dwelling units: within the PURD District to have the ability to combine single- and multiple-family residential dwelling units, the density for single-family dwellings may not exceed one per 4,000 square feet in the net development area. For multiple-family residential developments, the overall density shall not exceed one dwelling unit per 2,000 square feet in the net development area. The net development area shall be defined as that area remaining after subtracting those portions of the site set aside for non-residential uses (such as, streets, parks, schools, commercial and the like); and
   (J)   Off-street parking: the total required off-street parking facilities shall not be less than the sum of the required parking facilities for the various uses computed separately.
(Prior Code, § 9-14-4) (Ord. 858, passed 7-6-2020)