Within the D Light Industrial District, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, no building or land shall be used for other than one or more of the following purposes.
   (A)   Commercial uses.
      (1)   Administrative and business offices;
      (2)   Agricultural sales and service;
      (3)   Automotive rentals;
      (4)   Automotive repair services;
      (5)   Automotive sales;
      (6)   Automotive washing;
      (7)   Building maintenance services;
      (8)   Business or trade school;
      (9)   Business support services;
      (10)   Can and bottle redemption center;
      (11)   Cocktail lounge;
      (12)   Commercial off-street parking;
      (13)   Communications services;
      (14)   Construction sales and services;
      (15)   Consumer repair services;
      (16)   Convenience storage;
      (17)   Custom meat business;
      (18)   Data center;
      (19)   Equipment repair services;
      (20)   Equipment sales;
      (21)   Laundry services;
      (22)   Micro-brewery, micro-winery or micro-distillery;
      (23)   Parking facilities;
      (24)   Service station;
      (25)   Sexually-oriented business; and
      (26)   Vehicle storage.
   (B)   Industrial uses.
      (1)   Custom manufacturing;
      (2)   Light manufacturing; and
      (3)   Limited warehousing and distribution.
   (C)   Civic uses.
      (1)   Administrative services;
      (2)   Aviation facilities;
      (3)   Local utility services;
      (4)   Maintenance and service facilities;
      (5)   Park and recreation services;
      (6)   Parking facilities; and
      (7)   Postal facilities.
(Prior Code, § 9-8-1) (Ord. passed 10-11-1990; Ord. 540, passed 12-18-2000; Ord. 763, passed 5-5-2014; Ord. 764, passed 6-2-2014; Ord. 853, passed 10-4-2019; Ord. 864, passed 2-1-2021; Ord. 876, passed 1-17-2022; Ord. 880, passed 2-7-2022) Penalty, see § 155.999